
喜歡開發腦洞,如果能讓你對人生有新的啟發,會是我最大的榮幸。 #心靈治愈 #星盤 #普通分享 #隨筆 #自學前端ing



我問Chatgpt: 可以幫我製作半年時間表成為full-stack developer嗎?


Month 1:

  • Week 1: Learn the basics of HTML, including tags, attributes, and basic structure.
  • Week 2: Learn the basics of CSS, including selectors, properties, and values.
  • Week 3: Learn the basics of JavaScript, including variables, data types, operators, and functions.
  • Week 4: Start building small projects that use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript together, such as a simple calculator or a form validation script.

Month 2:

  • Week 1: Learn a backend language such as Python or Node.js.
  • Week 2: Learn the basics of SQL and how to use it to manage databases.
  • Week 3: Learn a web framework such as Django or Express.js.
  • Week 4: Start building small projects that use a backend language and a web framework together, such as a simple blog or a basic API.

Month 3:

  • Week 1: Learn how to use Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration.
  • Week 2: Learn more advanced topics in frontend development, such as responsive design, CSS frameworks, and JavaScript libraries.
  • Week 3: Learn more advanced topics in backend development, such as authentication and security.
  • Week 4: Start building more complex projects that combine both frontend and backend technologies, such as a social media app or an e-commerce platform.

Month 4:

  • Week 1: Learn a frontend framework such as React or Angular.
  • Week 2: Learn how to use a frontend framework to build dynamic user interfaces.
  • Week 3: Start building small projects that use a frontend framework, such as a simple to-do list or a weather app.
  • Week 4: Continue building more complex projects that combine both frontend and backend technologies, using a frontend framework where appropriate.

Month 5:

  • Week 1: Learn more advanced topics in database management, such as data modeling and performance optimization.
  • Week 2: Start building more advanced projects that require a deeper understanding of databases, such as a recommendation engine or a search engine.
  • Week 3: Learn how to deploy web applications to a production environment, including cloud services such as AWS or Heroku.
  • Week 4: Continue building more advanced projects, deploying them to a production environment, and iterating on them based on user feedback.

Month 6:

  • Week 1: Review and reinforce your knowledge of all the technologies and skills you've learned so far.
  • Week 2: Focus on any areas where you feel you need more practice or understanding.
  • Week 3: Build a final project that showcases your skills as a full-stack developer, such as a portfolio website or a web application that solves a real-world problem.
  • Week 4: Refine and polish your final project, and prepare to showcase it to potential employers or clients.




  • Month 1: 2-3 hours per day
  • Month 2: 3-4 hours per day
  • Month 3: 4-5 hours per day
  • Month 4: 5-6 hours per day
  • Month 5: 6-7 hours per day
  • Month 6: 7-8 hours per day



封面圖源: Andrew Neel: https://www.pexels.com/photo/monitor-screen-with-openai-logo-on-black-background-15863044/

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 版权声明


