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大会由奥斯丁能源公司主办,有来自戴尔等公司的资助。我目测这次大会小学生组和中学组各有几千人,四天的大会总共参与的学生应该会有一万人上下。除了组织者外,评委基本上都来自社会上各个专业的从业人士,有在职也有不少已经退休的,全部作为志愿者参与。据我估计,一天评委志愿者有大约 200 人,很多评委参与了不同组的评审,因此总共应有几百名评委。每天还有大概几十人左右像我这样的普通志愿者。看得出来普通民众对这次大会的支持程度。




学生项目展示 I
学生项目展示 II



比如初中组有很多电子系统设计的项目:设计一个智能车库门,设计一个可佩戴的校园恶霸报警(Bully Alert)系统,等等。这个报警系统的硬件设计包括了一个树莓派功能板,和麦克风、加速度探测器等传感器。学生通过在计算机上训练 Bully 的语音,将训练参数加载到树莓派上,在检测到的声音与训练吻合之后会发短信报警。项目展示里有学生对校园欺凌新闻的描述,从而解释立项,还包括项目整体设计框图,训练过程,硬件参数,实验分析数据结果等等。能够在如此小的年龄在指导下,从立项,动手实验,成品,和分析,完成一个完整的项目报告,我觉得这已经非常了不起。这是国内恐怕很多大学生都很难具备的素质。

防欺凌电子系统项目展示 I
防欺凌电子系统项目展示 II


高中组项目展示 I
高中组项目展示 II




Catalase Concentration of Plant Tissue After Germination

The purpose of this project is to learn how catalase concentration can be affected by different environmental conditions in different parts of a green onion plant. We tested the different concentrations of catalase in the roots and shoots by taking green onion juice soaked filters and putting them in H2O2. When catalase breaks down H2O2 it makes oxygen, which pushes the disc to the surface. The faster the reaction, the more catalase there is. We then tested the green onion plant in different light settings, minimal and high exposure. After testing and calculations, we discovered that there was more catalase in the roots than the shoots in the control and growth light scenarios. Then we compared all the root(light, dark, and control) data to find if the different amounts of light exposure affected the green onion plant’s root average catalase concentration. The root’s data difference was significant while the shoots were not, meaning we reject both null hypotheses.


使用辣木(Moringa Oleifera)作为天然生物混凝剂从水中去除铅

Using Morinag Oleifera as a Natural Bio Coagulant to Remove Lead from Water

Lead poisoning is a huge global problem effecting over 2 million people, and causes many health effects such as birth defects, coma, mental retardation, and even death. During a trip to India it was observed that villagers added a white powder to their water, and was later discovered that this substance was crushed moringa seeds. Moringa seeds have a positively charged cationic protein (natural coagultaor) in the seed kernel. The goal of this experiment was to find out if the moringa oleifera protein could coagulate and remove lead from water.Because lead nitrate and sodium hydroxide are ionic compounds, therefore undergoing double replacement reactions, it was concluded that the mass of the precipitate formed would be the mass of the lead present in the water. The lead concentrate used was 10^6 times the amount of lead that is deadly to the human body. After various chemical equations, it was determined that the mass of 10 mL .1 M lead was .2412 g.The average mass of lead content present in water with 1 seed was .1798 g. This indicates that 1 moringa seed removed almost half of the lead present in the water. As moringa was added, the amount of lead decreased till there was only an average .0386 g of lead left in the water. This data can conclude that moringa removed almost all traces of lead present in the water. This groundbreaking data could potentially save millions of lives, and solve a huge world crisis.

该项目研究辣木(Moringa Oleifera)种子对水中铅去除的效果。学生了解到在印度很多村民使用辣木的粉末加入生活用水中。他的研究就是辣木蛋白能否有效地从水中去除铅。实验表明效果很好。


Statistical Meta-Analysis of the Causes, Consequences, and Effective Strategies to Reduce Emergency Department (ED) Overcrowding and Overuse

Hospital emergency departments serve as an essential component for the provision of immediate medical care, but a large proportion of visits has been reported for non-urgent conditions. Overtime, unnecessary frequent visits, along with several other factors, can result in ED overcrowding. Therefore, the overall purpose of the study is to identify and evaluate effective methods that should be implemented to reduce emergency department overuse/overcrowding and improve clinical outcomes among patients. Approximately 300 relevant statistical studies and peer-reviewed journals associated with ED overcrowding were identified from major databases, including PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, and NCHS. Other medical search engines were also used to meet additional objectives and fill in any gaps that were required in the study. Out of the 286 peer-reviewed articles that were categorized, 29 were selected for further statistical examination due to method similarities, explicit data results, and full fulfillment of the objectives. Data extracted from the 29 studies included method design, sample size, population and setting, whether consequences affected staff and/or patients, primary causes, and effective strategies to counter emergency department overcrowding. Quantitative data, such as approximate emergency wait time and patient care time, from these selected sources were then analyzed, combined, and computed into statistical models and charts through the use of Microsoft Excel and RevMan 5 Software. Measures of central tendency and variability, forest and funnel plots, and regression graphs were created. In conclusion, emergency departments within the U.S. do require additional improvements to their environmental settings and management strategies, such as through individualized care plans.

这个项目研究美国急诊室被滥用的情况,导致急诊室过度拥挤,资源无法得到充分调配。学生查找了大概 300 多篇文献中的数据,并使用 Excel 和 RevMan 等软件对其中 29 篇文献中的数据进行了分析。






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