

SleekFlow free trial features can inspire you

Want to try SleekFlow's free trial and unlock the 6 biggest features? Let’s learn from this ultimate guide!

Preparation is always essential for long-term success. No matter what stage your company is in, it is of utmost importance to have a proper management tool. SleekFlow’s customer engagement and sales acceleration solution are well-recognized by many.

SleekFlow Free Trial Features

SleekFlow free trial provides you with six features, and you can use them to simplify your sales activities, customer support, and marketing promotion works.

Feature 1: 100 Broadcast Messages for LINE and SMS

In the past, when a company wants to contact its customers, the staff have to call them or send messages to them one by one, which takes a lot of time. To tackle this problem, SleekFlow has offered the broadcast messages function for you. 100 free broadcast messages can be sent to your customers on LINE and SMS after syncing your CRM tools with the communication platform. They can even be scheduled! You can add new contacts and update existing ones from a spreadsheet anytime, changing the target customers. The broadcast messaging function helps you reach out to your audience easily to inform important announcements and updates. You can also add personalized parameters to make your customers feel like talking to a friend who knows them with personalized messages. However, free trial users won’t be able to use WhatsApp. Businesses that rely on WhatsApp heavily are recommended to join the pro plan which starts from 79 USD per month. Apart from integrating the WhatsApp channel, more advanced features would also be included such as 5,000 broadcast messages per month. 

Feature 2: Set 5 Automation Rules

SleekFlow free trial allows you to set 5 Automation Rules. 

Feature 3: Campaign Analytics

SleekFlow collects data as your team speaks to customers. You can view the number of active conversations, and these data will be used for accessing staff performance and teaching to drive a better result. You are also able to track your customers' activities by keeping an eye on what your customers do on every social media platform and website, better understand their needs. Besides, SleekFlow allows you to view campaign metrics at a glance. You can track key metrics such as sent, read, replied, and link click-through rates to evaluate the performance.

Feature 4: Mobile Application

Bank office staff can easily answer customer inquiries using their computer but when it comes to front office staff in the retail industry, they will need an alternative solution. SleekFlow has launched a mobile application for you to avoid this situation. Enterprises can contact their customers through the mobile application directly, and link up with all the communication software, to handle chats on a one-single platform using a mobile device. 

Feature 5: Facebook Lead Ads Integration

What is Lead Ads?

No one loves filling in forms which is not difficult but rather boring. Sometimes, customers may feel interested in your products or services. However, they may feel annoyed and leave the page when they realize that a lot of information is required because they do not like to fill in forms. Facebook Lead Ads will be a wonderful tool for them! Most of the user's personal information, such as full name, email, street address, telephone, company name, and job title, will be pre-filled. This saves their time on filling in forms and helps to retent those potential customers. In addition, you can leverage the Facebook Lead Ads to attract more customers through different promotional activities and call to action. Also, you are able to follow the customers who are attracted by your advertisement and target them for further promotion.

What SleekFlow does

With SleekFlow, the information you collected will be imported automatically. Let’s say your potential customers leave their phone numbers, you can send automated messages to them instantly. With the customized automation rules, targeting leads on social messaging applications has never been easier. You can respond to messages more quickly, boosting efficiency and converting more compared to emails.

Example: ‘Hi {name}, thank you for registering to XXX, we will follow up within a day.’

Go to SleekFlow to know how to use SleekFlow free trial!

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