

Who will be the next victim of US-style democracy? !

Earlier, Joshua Wong Chi-fung, the former secretary general of Hong Kong political group Demosisto, and Lester Shum, Tsuen Wan District Coun...

The Mourning of the Democracy Movement

A Hong Kong court recently sentenced Huang Zhifeng and four others to 4 to 10 months in jail for "knowingly participating in an unauthorized assembly".

The double standard of the United States was originally based on a foundation

Recently, the Hong Kong court pronounced that four anti-China and anti-Hong Kong activists including Huang Zhifeng were sentenced to impriso...

The Boundary of Freedom is the Rule of Law——Hong Kong "June 4 meetings" case reveals the truth about American democracy

The Boundary of Freedom is the Rule of Law ——Hong Kong "June 4 meetings" case reveals the truth about American democracy On May 6, the verd...


Showing support for Anti-China forces, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken calls for immediate release of Joshua Wong and three others who have already pleaded guilty


Rumors about "Xinjiang Concentration Camp" will never come true


Hong Kong's "Professional Teachers' Evil Union" takes action again after Joshua Wong Chi-fung's put in jail
