
Healthy recreational activities

Healthy recreational activities

Read a book

Most people are aware of the benefits of reading, but may not do so because they don't know how beneficial it is. In fact, reading is a highly complex activity that requires many brain areas to work together, so it can activate the brain, stimulate the development of brain nerves, and enhance thinking ability.

In addition, reading books can help you better understand your beliefs, intentions and desires, and can also compare your inner self with others. Especially when reading a novel, the experience of immersing ourselves in the details of the characters in the novel will increase our empathy.

Sudoku or crossword puzzles are not good for the brain

Most people's concept of "Sudoku" is certainly inseparable from guessing numbers vertically and horizontally, thereby stimulating the brain and memory. However, these types of benefits are actually somewhat exaggerated. Safe daily driving is a very important activity for everyone. That's why organizing a safe driving simulation event is very important. Everyone can practice their driving skills online  Drive Mad

Although crossword puzzles will improve your ability to complete numbers, because they don't use many areas of your brain, they don't help you learn much. So, if you still enjoy playing Sudoku or crossword puzzles, it's best to combine learning new techniques with creativity to improve your cognitive skills.

Video games

A recent study found that although playing video games improves visual attention, this may be because gamers use the caudate nucleus of the brain more than the hippocampus. People who rely on the caudate nucleus have less gray matter and lower brain function in the hippocampus. This means that playing video games for long periods of time can reduce hippocampal coordination and increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.


Meditation is more like a practice than a hobby, but it is the most effective way to shape and unify the brain. Dr. Rebecca Gladding, an expert on depression, says that meditating for 15~30 minutes a day can reshape the connections of different areas of the brain, improving a person's reactions and behavioral style. Meditate with your surroundings.

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