
Parmenides & Empedocles


Opposite to Heraclitus, whose statement is thing always in flux and changing ever-lastingly, that Parmenides, who flourished about 480 B.C., holds agianst this view which he claimed that there is The One, which is infinite and indivisible. 

When you think of something, and you name it, even if this and that died already in the past, that it still exsits now, otherwise you name nothing with no one could know what the point of, "in some sense, he must exist, sive we can use his name significantly".

Interesting, huh? This is more like what we commonly refer that, a man still exists that there is people left who remember his feats, just when, that everyman forget this person and his works, only after that, like he had never came into this world, the man perished forever, like the Coco put it in that way.

It remind me of the last song of Hamilton, Who lives, who dies, who tell your story. This song just emphsize the importance of telling someone's story, it's very honorable to have someone else to tell your story, like curved in the stone hoping it will never fade in this long time river. One should seeks her or his story worthing writting and telling cuz there is an old tradition in Chinese history that every man lives in the ancient or feudal society might heard something like this, in Confucianism, every person would like to seek 3 immortals all her or his life, Feats, Morals, Words. Hard to achieve this in the mean time, if you achieve just one of them, Congratulations! Your story must have someone to help you telling.

Back to the Parmenides, I partly agrees with his statements. It meets some thinking inside of mine. No one want to be forgoten by descedents except those villians.

And Empedocles, who flourished about 440 B.C.,  he holds two opinions or moreover which in the final his sayings proves to be right. 

He deems that there are four elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Which compromise those opinions before, and there are 2 forces always fighting against each other, Love and Strife. When the one is in advantage, that there is a reversing process back, kindly put it, there is "天下大勢,分久必合,合久必分". ever parting, ever meeting, final state isn't existing, only the processing forever, 

Reject monoism, explaining the change by using the two principles of Love and Strife. Also, it's he to found the Italian School of Medicine and to expalin the eclipses correctly, which he states this happens because of moon's intereposition, learnt from Anaxagoras. He found the centrifugal forces.

Anyway, he is a more scientific person than i thought he would be though human called him Charlatan, on that no idea why. 

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