

I’d write an entire introduction but I did a version of that over here so hop on over there if you so desire.

The first post of any blog feels so incredibly weird to me–I’ve been blogging under various pseudonyms since I was 15 and a couple days ago, decided that my most recent pseudonym was no longer an accurate representation of who I am.

My mind wants to write something inspirational/deep/moving re: what I want this blog to be. But these days, I don’t like to think too much about what I’m writing–I’ve taken to clearing my headspace of gunk accumulated over the years re: who I’ve been told I should be/who people need me to be to feel better about their lives and now, my writing feels more genuine than ever. Fresh-college-grad-me wanted to translate (which I did), college-me wanted to develop my prose, high-school-me wanted to write in Chinese, middle-school-me wanted to write about prolonged catfights in a Korean-drama-esque manner…and now I just want to write from the heart.

So here’s to the last blog I’ll have to create in this lifetime :D.

P.S. all those old pseudonyms felt like a battle with my true self something something 錦衣還鄉…

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