
Examples of Strong Pros and Con Essays: Analyzing Successful Papers for Key Strategies and Techniques


Pros and cons essays are a popular form of academic writing that require students to present both sides of an argument and make a reasoned judgment on the topic. These essays are often assigned in various disciplines and can be challenging to write effectively. However, analyzing successful papers can help students understand the key strategies and techniques used to create a strong pro con essay. In this article, we will explore some examples of strong pros and cons essays and identify the key elements that make them successful.

Key Elements of a Strong Pros and Cons Essay

Clear thesis statement

A strong pros and cons essay must have a clear and concise thesis statement that presents the topic and the writer's position. The thesis statement should be placed at the end of the introduction and should guide the rest of the essay. A well-crafted thesis statement will help readers understand the purpose of the essay and what to expect in terms of the arguments presented.

Balanced presentation of pros and cons

A strong pros and cons essay must present a balanced view of the topic, with both pros and cons being given equal weight. The writer should avoid taking a biased or one-sided approach and instead strive to present a fair and impartial analysis of the topic. This means acknowledging and addressing potential weaknesses in their argument, as well as considering alternative perspectives.

Supporting evidence for each point

A strong pros and cons essay should be backed up by supporting evidence for each point presented. This can include statistics, research studies, expert opinions, and examples. The writer should ensure that the evidence is reliable, relevant, and up-to-date. The evidence presented should be used to strengthen the arguments made and persuade the reader of the writer's stance.

Effective transitions between points

A strong pros and cons essay should have smooth and effective transitions between points. The writer should use transition words and phrases such as "furthermore," "in addition," "on the other hand," and "however" to guide the reader from one point to the next. This helps to create a cohesive and well-structured essay that is easy to follow.

Conclusion that summarizes key points and provides a clear stance

A strong pros and cons essay should have a conclusion that summarizes the key points made in the essay and provides a clear stance on the topic. The writer should avoid introducing new arguments or evidence in the conclusion and instead focus on reinforcing their thesis statement. The conclusion should leave the reader with a clear understanding of the writer's position and the reasoning behind it.

Where to Find Examples of Great Pros and Cons Essays?

There are several resources available for students to find examples of great pros and cons essays. These include:

Academic journals and publications

Academic journals and publications often contain articles that present both sides of an argument and make a reasoned judgment. These articles can serve as excellent examples of well-crafted pros and cons essays.

Online databases and archives

Online databases and archives, such as JSTOR and Paperell, can provide access to a wealth of academic articles and publications that present pros and cons arguments. These resources can be helpful for students looking for examples of successful pros and cons essays.

University writing centers and libraries

University writing centers and libraries often have resources and guides available to help students improve their writing skills. These resources may include examples of successful pros and cons essays that students can use as models for their own writing.


In conclusion, analyzing successful pros and cons essays can provide valuable insights into the key strategies and techniques used to create a strong argument. A strong pros and cons essay requires a clear thesis statement, a balanced presentation of pros and cons, supporting evidence for each point, effective transitions between points, and a conclusion that summarizes key points and provides a clear stance. By studying successful examples of

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