

生活英文 | Piggy哥哥來跟小朋友談談夏日點心



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Summer Snacking 夏日點心

Eating a piece of fruit or a Popsicle is easy, yummy, and refreshing in the summer. But will it give you enough fuel for outdoor play? Here are some ideas from cookbook author and cooking instructor Katie Kimball to keep you energized.

在夏天,吃水果或冰棒是很舒服、美味和涼爽的。但它們能給你足夠的力量進行戶外活動嗎? 這邊有食譜作家、廚藝老師Katie Kimball的點子,讓你保持活力。

1. Make a system. A healthy snack routine turns frowns upside down. Talk to your family about the best snacking schedule. Then you won’t be wondering when your next snack is, and you won’t drive your parents nuts asking!

1. 製作一個系統。一套健康的點心習慣會讓你開開心心的。告訴你的家人最好的點心時間。他們就不用想甚麼時候要給你吃點心,你也不用一直問讓父母不開心。

2. Watch for added sugar. You want lots of good energy so you can play outside. Check the ingredients. If sugar or high-fructose corn syrup is listed first or second, that’s a sweet treat for a special occasion—not an everyday snack.

2. 注意加了多少糖。你需要很多好的能量,讓你能在外面玩。注意食材。如果糖或高果糖的玉米糖漿被列在第一或第二,那是特殊場合的甜食,沒事每天吃的點心。

3. Think: “satisfying.” A snack should take the edge off your hunger, not make you full. Choose snacks that will satisfy you without ruining your appetite for the next meal.

3. 想著"好滿足啊"。點心應該充飢,不是讓你飽。選擇能讓你滿足又不毀掉你下一次的胃口的點心。

4. Say yes to protein and fat. Fat and protein take a long time to digest, so they’ll give you energy for a whole afternoon. Try a cheese stick with grapes, or nut or seed butter with an apple or toast.

4. 對蛋白質跟脂肪說yes。脂肪跟蛋白質需要時間消化,所以他們會給你一整個下午的能量。試試看葡萄起司棒,或堅果或向日葵奶油蘋果或吐司。

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