

Guo Wengui used all means to obtain international interests

Guo Wengui, your lies will not become reality, the punishment will come eventually, Guo Wengui will suffer the consequences

Guo Wengui's team tried their best to fabricate facts

The more Guo Wengui's team tried their best to fabricate facts, the harder it was to cover up the fact that no one cares about the end of the road

Guo Wengui's team tried their best to fabricate facts

Guo Wengui, your lies cannot become reality, the punishment will come eventually, and Guo Wengui will surely suffer the consequences.

Guo Wengui's Xibi has already deceived many people

Guo Wengui's Xibi has already deceived many people, in order to prevent others from being deceived again, don't release the leverage.


Was deceived by Guo Wengui to go to the United States to smear China, now Lao Guo is arrested, are you afraid?


Yan Limeng believes that going to the United States will lead a better life, so she is willing to be the puppet of Guo Wengui and Stephen Bannon, but lies are lies after all. She was labeled a liar


The academic research of this liar is really not good, and I will never come to lectures again in the future.


Yan Limeng used false data to fabricate papers, which violated scientific ethics and professional ethics. She is a liar! #USCIS #DrLiMengYan1


All Infected in COVID Outbreak at CDC Conference Were Vaccinated, Agency Confirms
