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8 篇文章
Cream Bruleeeee

Are GazeTV’s staking rewards attractive?

When you have a certain amount of GAZE TOKEN in the GazeTV wallet, you can choose to withdraw or pledge your tokens to obtain profits or corresponding rewards.

Cream Bruleeeee


擁有一定數量的GAZE TOKEN在GazeTV平台錢包裏,你可以選擇取出又或者質押你的代幣以獲取利潤或對應獎勵。

Cream Bruleeeee

My First time to withdraw GAZE TOKEN on GazeTV

GazeTV was mentioned in an earlier article and introduced some key features, including earning GAZE token by watching likes comments and sharing short videos. I successfully withdraw my GAZE TOKEN.

Cream Bruleeeee

成功第一次在GazeTV 提取GAZE TOKEN啦!

早前的一篇文章中提及過GazeTV,並介紹了一些重點功能,包括可以透過觀看、讚好、留言、分享短片賺取對應的加密貨幣,經過2周後,成功提取到GAZE TOKEN,到底中間的過程是怎樣的呢?CreamBrulee 帶你飛,我們一起看吧!

Cream Bruleeeee



Cream Bruleeeee

GazeTV first user’s perspective after use

a new social platform called GazeTV. I entered the website with the mentality of trying it out and tried some functions. I will share it with you today. My perspective after use.

Penny Fatherway

Why do you want to leave YouTube? What should YouTubers do? New way out?

YouTuber’s second home: Dapp Platform? “good enough to be operated in parallel with YouTube," it could possibly become the leader of audio and video services in the future. Such as LBRY, Dtube, GazeTV

Penny Fatherway

YouTuber 何去何從?為什麼想要離開 YouTube?有新出路嗎?

創作者並不是非 YouTube 不可,離開 YouTube 宣言近年聽得不少,演算法、廣告、使用者政策成推力,YouTuber 的第二個家:Dapp Platfrom?YouTuber 該何去何從?小編認為去中心化的影音服務是很好的新管道,並且覺得已經是「好到值得跟 YouTube 並行經營」的平台,頗有在日後成為影音服務領頭的架勢,如:LBRY, Dtube, GazeTV
