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Nikola 官方正式回應作空機構的質疑(然而到底解答了什麼?!)

Nikola 電動車號稱「卡車界的特斯拉」,最近卻被踢爆造假。這就來聊聊造假事件,以及我的個人看法。

👉 聲明:本文內容僅為個人意見,不是投資建議。我沒有 Nikola 公司的股票,我也沒對該股票放空或進行其他相關交易。

昨晚看著美股走勢,特斯拉股價反彈力道強勁,放心不少。畫面一轉,看到另一家製造電動卡車的公司 Nikola(號稱「卡車界的特斯拉」),股價竟然也漲了 10% 以上,驚呼怎麼可能?!這家公司不是被踢爆作假嗎?

踢爆 Nikola 公司作假的,是作空機構 Hindenburg Research,相關報導已經很多,這裡就不重複太多細節了。有興趣的話,可以看這篇報導:做空機構:Nikola 為精心策畫騙局,盤中股價瀉 13,或搜尋關鍵字「Nikola 騙局」。

簡單地說,Hindenburg 認為 Nikola 的電動車事業根本是一場騙局。

Hindenburg 列舉多項質疑,其中我覺得有一個蠻有意思,也很容易判斷,就是這個Nikola 的宣傳影片:

Hindenburg 踢爆影片造假,因為那台卡車根本是先推到斜坡頂端,然後順著斜坡溜下來的,而非依靠卡車自己的推進系統前進。此外,影片運用了一些攝影技巧,讓電動車看起來行駛於平面道路。

我昨晚看到 Nikola 執行長 Trevor Milton 的推特,說公司已經正式發布回應,反駁那些作空機構的指控。原文參見:Nikola Sets the Record Straight on False and Misleading Short Seller Report


底下英文的段落是取自 Nikola 官方回應,中文的部分則是我的翻譯:

  • Short Seller Alleges that 2016 Nikola One “was not a real truck and was, in fact, a pusher”:作空機構指控 Nikola One 「不是真的卡車,實際上只是台推車。」) The Nikola One is a real truck that sits in Nikola’s showroom. A pusher means a vehicle that was not designed to be moved by its own propulsion system. The Nikola One was, in fact, designed to be powered and driven by its own propulsion. (Nikola One 是貨真價實的卡車,它就躺在 Nikola 公司的展示區。推車的意思,是車輛本身不具備推進系統,但事實上,我們有為 Nikola One 設計電力與推進系統。) Here are the facts: (事實如下。那些專有名詞我就不翻譯了,總之官方的意思就是他們有設計這些系統元件。)
  1. Gearbox was functional and bench tested prior to installation.
  2. Batteries were functional.
  3. Inverters functioned and powered the motors on a bench test prior to the show.
  4. Power steering, Suspension, Infotainment, Air Disc Brakes, High Voltage, and Air Systems were all functional.


  • Short Seller Distorts Nikola One 2017 Third Party “Future of Transportation” Promotion Video and Creates a Popular Lie: Hindenburg seeks to portray Nikola as misrepresenting the capabilities of the Nikola One prototype in a 2017 video produced by a third party, as “simply filmed rolling down a big hill.” Nikola never stated its truck was driving under its own propulsion in the video, although the truck was designed to do just that (as described in previous point). The truck was showcased and filmed by a third party for a commercial. Nikola described this third-party video on the Company’s social media as “In Motion.” It was never described as “under its own propulsion” or “powertrain driven.” Nikola investors who invested during this period, in which the Company was privately held, knew the technical capability of the Nikola One at the time of their investment. This three-year-old video of a Nikola prototype is irrelevant except for the fact that the short seller is trying to use it for its main thesis. The fact is, Nikola has real working hydrogen fuel-cell powered semi-trucks. Any reports intended to suggest that Nikola’s trucks do not drive are erroneous, and recent videos of Nikola vehicles driving can be found here.

針對作空機構指控 Nikola 宣傳影片中的卡車是從斜坡滑行而下,並非倚靠自身的動力系統前進,官方的回答竟然是(以下文字翻譯自上方段落有畫底線的部分):

Nikola 從未聲稱那部影片中的卡車是以自身的推進系統前進,雖然那台卡車的確是要設計成那樣的(如前所述)。影片是由第三方拍攝的廣告,目的是展示那台卡車。Nikola 在官方社群網站的貼文中只有說影片中那台卡車「正在行進間」(In Motion),而從未說過它是透過自身的電力系統所推進。


然而,昨晚 Nikola 公司的股價在盤中依然上漲 10% 以上。那些繼續買進 Nikola 股票的人,到底知不知道自己在做什麼?



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