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Video On Youtube

The Most Commented Video on YouTube: A Comprehensive

YouTube has emerged as the premier platform for people to watch, share, and interact with video content. With over two billion monthly active users, YouTube has witnessed a remarkable growth in video uploads and user engagement. One key indicator of engagement is the number of comments on a video. So, which video holds the title of the most commented video on YouTube? In this article, we will delve into this intriguing subject, identify the factors behind its popularity, and discuss the significance of user engagement in the digital era.

The Record-Breaker: The Most Commented Video on YouTube

At the time of writing, the most commented video on YouTube is none other than the South Korean boy band BTS's music video for their chart-topping hit, "Dynamite." Released in August 2020, the video has amassed an astounding number of comments, exceeding 10 million. This exceptional level of engagement is a testament to BTS's global popularity and the formidable influence of the K-pop fan community.

Factors Contributing to the Success of "Dynamite"

Global Fanbase

BTS's passionate and devoted fanbase, affectionately called the 'ARMY,' has played a pivotal role in catapulting the video to the top of the most-commented list. Their concerted efforts to promote and share the video across various social media platforms have significantly boosted its visibility and engagement.

Captivating Music and Visuals

The lively and infectious melody of "Dynamite" has resonated with listeners worldwide, making it an instant hit. Additionally, the music video's visually stunning aesthetics and vibrant scenes have attracted a broader audience, leading to an increased number of comments.

Record-Breaking Achievements

"Dynamite" shattered multiple records upon its release, including the highest number of views within the first 24 hours of a YouTube video premiere. This accomplishment motivated fans to further engage with the video, driving up the comment count in the process.

> Most Commented Videos On YouTube: A Look at the Top 10

The Importance of Comments as a Measure of Engagement

While view counts and likes are often used to gauge a video's popularity, comments provide a more comprehensive picture of user engagement. Comments allow viewers to express their opinions, ask questions, and interact with the content creator and other viewers. This interaction fosters a sense of community around the video, promoting loyalty and encouraging repeat visits. Therefore, understanding the most commented video on YouTube can help content creators and marketers develop strategies to boost engagement on their channels.

The Role of Comments for Content Creators

Valuable Feedback

Comments offer valuable feedback that can help content creators identify what resonates with their audience. By analyzing the comments, creators can discover which aspects of their video were well-received and what areas need improvement, enabling them to tailor their future content accordingly.

Building a Community

Engaging with viewers through comments is an excellent way for content creators to build a loyal and dedicated community. Responding to questions, acknowledging praise, and addressing criticism demonstrates that creators value their audience's input, fostering a stronger connection.

Improved Visibility

A high number of comments on a video can improve its visibility on YouTube. The platform's algorithm takes user engagement into account when ranking videos, and a highly-commented video is more likely to be recommended to other users.

> Top 10 Most Commented Videos On Youtube in 2023

Strategies for Boosting Comments on YouTube Videos

Encourage Interaction

Content creators can encourage viewers to leave comments by asking open-ended questions or soliciting opinions on a specific topic. This prompts viewers to share their thoughts, leading to increased engagement.

Use Contests and Giveaways

Hosting contests or giveaways that require viewers to comment on the video can be an effective way to boost comments. These incentives encourage viewers to participate and engage with the content, generating more comments and attracting a broader audience.

Reply to Comments

Actively replying to comments is essential for fostering engagement and building a sense of community around a channel. Responding to comments shows viewers that their input is valued, which can lead to further interaction and increased loyalty.

Collaborate with Other Creators

Collaborating with other content creators can help attract new viewers and encourage more comments. Cross-promoting videos and featuring guest appearances can lead to a higher engagement rate as fans of both creators join the conversation.

Optimize Video Titles and Descriptions

Using clear, concise titles and descriptions that accurately reflect the video's content can help attract the right audience. When viewers understand what to expect from a video, they are more likely to engage in meaningful discussions in the comments section.



In summary, understanding the most commented video on YouTube provides valuable insights into audience engagement and the factors that drive it. "Dynamite" by BTS currently holds the record for the most commented video, a testament to the power of the K-pop fandom and the global appeal of the group's music.

User engagement, as reflected by the number of comments, is a crucial metric for content creators and marketers alike. It offers valuable feedback, helps build a dedicated community, and can improve a video's visibility on the platform. By implementing strategies to boost comments, such as encouraging interaction, using contests, replying to comments, collaborating with other creators, and optimizing video titles and descriptions, content creators can significantly enhance their audience engagement and grow their channels.

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