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What is the Metal Tile Edging Called?

The metal tile edging is a type of trim that helps protect and decorate the outside of wall and floor edges. It can also be used to finish and protect edges of tile surfaces.

Tile edging helps round off sharp edges, smooth out and cover sharp lines or joints to seal your sides and give your floors and walls a complete, stylish look.

The purpose of an aluminium tile trim

What is the metal tile edging called?

The aluminium tile trim is a metal strip that can be used to protect and decorate the outside of wall and floor edges. It is designed to enhance the overall appearance of a room and provide an extra level of protection from water damage.

It can also be used to create a clean and professional look in shower recesses. It can be cut to fit a variety of different sizes and shapes, depending on the application.

Aluminium edge is an excellent option for enhancing the overall appearance of a room and providing an extra level of protection from water damage. It is lightweight and rust proof, making it ideal for commercial applications such as restaurant kitchens. It is available in a variety of finishes including satin, bronze, and anodized, which can mimic the look of chrome. It can also be bright dipped, which is an electrochemical process that makes the surface of the aluminum trim decorative and smooth.

Finishing and protecting edges of tile surfaces

Whether you’re laying tile for a bathroom, kitchen, or other room, it’s important to finish and protect the edges. This will help prevent damage and make the tiles last longer.

The best way to finish the edges of your tile is to caulk it, which gives a waterproof seal. This is the most affordable option and works best on tiles that have finished edges like mosaics, tumbled stone, and porcelain.

Another way to finish tile edges is by using a metal tile trim. These trims are made of a rigid strip of plastic or metal and come in various profiles to create a smooth edge.

A metal tile trim will also give your floors and walls a finished, professional look that coordinates with the tile you choose. These trims can be used in many different places, including wall corners, floor edges, and countertops.

Cutting an aluminium tile trim

If you’re looking to add a stylish finish to your tiled space, metal trim is a great option. Designed to complement many styles of tiles, metal tile trims can be used for both domestic and commercial projects.

You can find aluminium tile trim in a variety of shapes, colors, and finishes. Selecting the right one depends on your preferences and needs.

To ensure your trim will last, make sure to choose a material that can stand up to abrasion. For example, aluminum is a popular choice for bathroom trim since it’s durable and water-resistant.

When cutting an aluminium tile trim, use a hacksaw with at least 28-32 teeth per inch. It is also important to cut it according to the tile thickness or laminate depth you’re using.


Tile edges are an important part of the tiling process, because they protect your tile surfaces from damage. They also give your tiling project a clean look, which increases the longevity of your tiles.

Metal trims are available in a variety of colors and finishes, so they can add an accent to any room. They’re available in different heights, as well, so you can customize your bathroom or kitchen to your taste.

Usually, metal trims are installed before the tiles are laid. However, you can also install them after the tile is in place.

You need a tile saw with the appropriate blade for cutting metal. It must be run slowly to avoid the buildup of high temperatures that could discolor your tiles.

Metal tile edging is a great way to finish and protect your tile. It’s also easy to install and can be applied to ceramic or metal tiles.

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