Gowen Laver
Gowen Laver

I will build up my own Metaverse.

Is Metaverse the next frontier of the blockchain industry

Metaverse is a new world that carries many ideal realization methods of technology, including 5G, VR, AR, blockchain, artificial intelligence, etc. The first escape from novels and movies to be applied to commercial value also benefited from Silicon Valley VC and Wall Street capital bosses, and blockchain technology is the core of the meta universe.

The purpose of the blockchain is to value the Internet, to realize the free flow of assets with openness and decentralization, which also coincides with the vision of Metaverse. Blockchain can guarantee the security of users' virtual assets and virtual identities, exchange value, and guarantee the transparency of the rules of the meta universe. In fact, whether it is the real world or the virtual world, the economy is the top priority to maintain the normal operation of the entire ecology, and the potential of the meta-universe is also stimulated by the blockchain technology.

"Metaverse" upstarts represented by Zuckerberg have regarded VR as the entrance to the metaverse. Although the speech and PPT left behind "other devices can also be accessed", but the premise of "immersion" is placed in the front, the importance of VR to the meta universe is beyond doubt.

Due to the enthusiasm of blockchain technology and the encrypted digital currency market, decentralized networks have almost become the second most important application in the meta-universe industry map. Of course, another reason is that Facebook, which has now been renamed meta, announced its decentralized digital encryption currency project Libra in 2019. This is the world's first attempt by such a large-scale commercial company in the field of digital encryption currency.

With the popularity of the NFT field and the rise of the concept of meta universe, the transaction volume of the NFT market in the first quarter of this year exceeded 8 times in 2020, and the meta universe value index has also begun to rise. According to the data of companions, from the end of June to the end of July, The value index increased by 313% in one month. In addition, the concept of Metaverse has attracted many institutions and emerging projects. Metaverse has also changed from the original pure concept to physical application, and its value is also being continuously researched and developed. The economist Zhu Jiaming also gave certain recognition to the concept of meta-universe, believing that it is a block of information created by humans that spans the integrated system of life and non-life.

Although Metaverse has the potential to replace the Internet, the difficulty of its development and its incomprehensible commercial potential have greatly raised the threshold for the development of Metaverse, and developers who can lead early Metaverse must be fully aware of Metaverse. Creative talents with potential and positive beliefs in the future.

Since the birth of the World Wide Web, e-commerce has become a business worth nearly 5 trillion U.S. dollars. However, although sometimes online shopping is fun, online shopping is a lonely thing, and purchased items (such as clothes) are often returned because they don’t fit or look different from what you think. Ever wondered if you could combine the benefits of online shopping with real-world shopping?

In VR, you can shop with friends who live on the other side of the world from the comfort of your own home. Not only that, you can also try on clothes with super-realistic avatars before buying and provide your exact size. No need to go to the post office to return 90% of the merchandise.

Although the feel and smell may be limited for a period of time, until we have made enough progress in Haptic and Neuralink style technology, you can still get a more enjoyable book buying experience in the virtual bookstore, the design feel of the virtual bookstore It's like the bookstore in "The Never Ending Story".

The options for enhancing the retail experience in Metaverse are endless. If VR retail detonates in a manner similar to the online version, it will be a big business. But the premise is that you have the VR space or land to use it.

Institutions enter the market, the market is booming, and Metaverse seems to be rising rapidly, but behind the real boom, it is inevitable that there are many speculators mixed with it. On the other hand, the game market, with the popularity of the meta-universe concept and the prevailing trend to follow the trend, many projects have forcibly changed their design concepts in order to follow the hot spots, making the game market a feather.

In addition, with the entry of institutional giants, the original decentralization vision of Metaverse is monopolized from the root, and there is a central controller behind it. In the era of Internet mobile, both hardware and software are becoming more and more closed. The originally open Internet is forming an island that cannot be connected. The disconnection between devices and the self-copyright closure of information are slowing down. Slowly divide the Internet, and in such a real world, a utopian meta-universe is unlikely to be born. But if the Metaverse can truly be decentralized and interconnected, then perhaps the next virtual civilization will be achieved.

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