
Just writing

Canada Paradise Ranch Icewine Tasting

2010/10/29, @Micasa (好吃甜點蛋糕店 :D)


For the regulations of Canada, the grapes for icewines should be harvest under -8 degree. Paradise ranch harvests their grapes at -8 degree. The Pinot Noir icewine is made by reducing skin contact rose method. Vidal is a hybrid variety of Ugni Blanc and Rayon d’Or, developed in 1930, and it can gain high sugar level and keep the acidity in the cold weather.

Chardonnay/Riesling Late Harvest 2002

M+ orange with blonde hue. M+ nose, honey, vanilla, creamy baked apple, licorice, raisin, dry grass.
M+ body. Sweet. Light spicy, apple, honey, grass palate with medium acidity.

Whistler Vidal Icewine 2005

deep gold-orange. M+ nose, peach (on top), apricot, almond, and petrol hint.
Sweet palate contains tangerine, honey. Good acidity in long length.

Whistler Pinot Noir Icewine 2005

M+ Brick red, with brown hue.

M+ nose, caramel, strawberry, light eucalyptus leaves, cinnamon, honey, nuts, tangerine hint.
Medium- acidity, sweet. Tangerine, honey and black cherry.

Vidal Icewine 2004

Deep gold-orange. Concentrated and pronounced sugarcane, starfruit honey.
Sweet. Apricot, pear, dry fruits, light strawberry, sweet corn syrups.

Compare to the denser nose, the lighter palate makes it easier to drink.

Pinot Noir Icewine 2005

Deep red bronze. M+ nose, light honey, black cherry, cinnamon, caramel, chocolate and sugar pickled plum.
Sweet chewy palate includes black cherry, nuts, sugarcane and caramel.

Good with chocolate cake, that makes the caramel aroma more outstanding.

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