
Just writing

A bigger, greener economic stimulus plan

前幾天的新聞。Obama proposes bigger greener economic stimulus planDemocrats’ Stimulus Plan May Reach $700 Billion


Obama said he would direct his economic team to design a two-year stimulus plan with the goal of saving or creating 2.5 million jobs. He called it “a plan big enough to meet the challenges we face.”

President-elect Barack Obama and other Democrats are rapidly ratcheting up plans for a massive fiscal stimulus program that could total as much as $700 billion over the next two years.

That amount, more than the nation has spent over the past six years in Iraq, would rival the sum Congress committed last month to rescuing the country’s financial system.

including cutting taxes for lower- and middle-class workers, addressing neglected public infrastructure projects like roads and schools and creating new “green jobs” through federal business incentives for energy alternatives and environmentally friendly technologies

如果說前任的 Bush 是用戰爭來提振國防武器工業進而帶起經濟,那 Obama 就是打算用擴大內需及公共建設的方式來拉抬,而且是用更多的錢在更短的時間內。而 2.5 million 的工作機會確實可以消除近幾個月來失業的問題,而新的工作機會產生也將會活絡消費,唯一的疑問是之前的 Credit Crisis 到底傷得多重呢?而另外這一大筆錢以及大量的工作機會都是預計在「兩年」內投入,這點和之前許多人預測美國經濟得要1.5~2年才能好轉不謀而合。雖然說年底將近,但 Credit Crisis 引起的消費衰退等問題是不會讓經濟數據有什麼漂亮數字的,所以,有工作的還是專心工作,心情好的時候再來撿幾張優值股票吧。

Anyway, 我對 Obama 這個人沒什麼個人好惡,但是對於 Obama 面對當前美國經濟困境的作法我覺得是很積極正面的態度,同時在他的勝選演說中也明白地告訴人們接下來要面對的問題,一如在競選過程當中的態度。相比較之下,現在台灣政府打算用消費卷的方式來度過景氣低潮,我覺得是在是太消極了,而DPP力主的退稅我也不太滿意就是,與其直接給人民錢,不如創造工作機會啊。

Related: 關於消費卷… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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