人物誌_從他人身上學習 「凡事累積」

Mun Is Writing
如影片所述,「Going to the gym for nine hours,does not get you into shape,working out every day for 20 minutes,get you into shape」,It's about accumulation。

記得某日下班後,無所事事地賴在床上刷YouTube時,無意中刷到一部名為「If you want to know what it takes to find and keep love」的訪談短片;看著標題,其實不難想像裡頭會是什麼樣的內容,關鍵字「to find and keep love」,唔,感覺剛好是自身所需(哈),也就手動點開進入觀看模式,也就有了本篇要介紹的這位,Simon Sinek(賽門.西奈克)

  • 關於Simon Sinek(賽門.西奈克)  


註:以上參考/整理自 天下網絡書店官網 內容

Photo From Simon SineK官網


「...she didn't fall in love with you because you remember her birthday and bought her flowers on Valentine's Day;she fall in love with you, because (1)you woke up in the morning, you said "Good Morning" to her before you check your phone...because (2)when you went to the fridge to get yourself a drink, you got her one without even asking...This is why she fall in love with you...」

「It was the accumulation of all of those little things, that she woke up one day, and as if she pressed a button, she goes "i love him".」

「Leadership is exactly the same」

觀看完「to find and keep love」後,深覺許多時候以為「無用」之事並非真的無用,而是習慣性地在嘗試幾次後即半途而廢,又或太急著想看見成果,卻因著遲遲沒有實現,選擇草草結束。記得「凡事累積」,不管是在愛裡(如何維持愛),或職場上(領導能力等學習),乃至其他領域。

如影片所述,「Going to the gym for nine hours,does not get you into shape,working out every day for 20 minutes,get you into shape」,It's about accumulation

對Simon Sinek(賽門.西奈克)的認識始於「to find and keep love」這部訪談短片,帶著對其理念的好奇,及想瞭解更多,慢慢地也就從"被推送",轉換至"主動搜尋",偶爾搜搜其所發表的各種演說影片聽聽,收穫頗豐。影片所言雖多為老生常談(部分內容也許可視為"雞湯",端由觀賞者自定義),但經重新詮釋,對影片裡Simon侃侃而談的說話內容,仍已不自覺地被烙在心裡,留下深刻印象。





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