
香港人,80後,喜愛旅遊,交朋結友,分享生活。 斜槓族,哲學MA, 長期從事藝術活動籌劃, 導賞, 教學工作, 對平權議題有高度熱情。



Bombarding has already spread to my hometown. There were about 10 explosions in general. The world seems to slowly get used to this war which is horrible. It doesn’t get any better. In Mariupol there is a humanitarian disaster, people are dying without water and food. They have no possibility to bury their relatives who passed away, so sometimes they (including children) just have to sit in a bombshell next to them. Stories from people who managed to get away from there tear the heart apart.


My colleague’s grandparents live in that city, she (the colleague) is going insane trying to evacuate them, so far unsuccessfully. My friend’s friend and his pregnant wife in Kharkiv have lost their flat with all their money and clothes. A Russian soldier in Kyiv has raped a Ukrainian woman, had killed her husband before, and her little son was crying in the next room.


In Sumy where my other colleague used to live 11 girls were raped by Russian soldiers and only 5 of them survived, their life is ruined.

Not a single sane person can understand how it’s possible that the Russian government, officers, soldiers and those ordinary people who support war can do this or let this happen or be so cruel without a single reason.



One amazing Ukrainian woman named Tata gathers, buys and packs medicine and ammo to send to our soldiers and to people in hot spots. She posted a grateful message from her friend, a woman who helped evacuate people from Mariupol. So this woman was carrying a little girl in her hands to save her when something exploded nearby. A piece (shard/ chip, IDK how you call it) hit this woman’s back. Thank God, she was wearing a bulletproof vest that Tata gave her, so she got away with just a bruise. It was one of the few times Tata let herself cry.


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