

Woody v. Farrow: who tells the truth? Who should tell the story?

Diary 2

18 March 2021

I've watched the last episode of the HBO doc "Woody V. Farrow" yesterday. I cried a couple of times, especially when Dylan encountered a panic during the shooting. This woman, as an adult, decided to stand up to tell her story because she is 100% sure it's the truth.

For so many years, her father tried to tell the whole world that her evil mother couched her. She had some mental problems that made her couldn't tell what was real, what was a fairy.

Honestly, I chose to believe that this whole father molested adopted daughter thing was a trick played by a jealous mother. It's revenge for Woody's betrayal. But this doc told a different story. As seven years old, Dylan never changed her story. There were details like the electric train, the attic, and Woody. She wanted to tell her story. And her mother just chose to believe her from the beginning.

The most touching scene is at the end of the doc. Dylan came to visit Farrow. It looks cold outside; the sky is grey. Mia and Dylan sit on the balcony having a conversation. Mia asks Dylan, have you ever mad at me for bringing this guy into their family. After a short silence, Dylan said, many people told her that their mother didn't trust them, fought for them, but her mother was always there for her. Maybe that's the real story.

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