

Football (my favourite sport)

Football is great at helping to maintain a healthy level of endorphins and can make moods more stable. People suffering from symptoms of depression and anxiety can often use exercise to help alleviate symptoms and naturally lift dark moods. Football also promotes social integration, which also adds its own feel-good factor. Why is

football the most exciting sport in the world: The fact that defence in football can impact a game in such a strong way is the reason why it makes football so exciting. Also, consider this: in other sports, defence can lead to scoring opportunities.

Why is soccer a good sport to play:

Soccer is a good sport for maintaining health, fitness, strength and endurance. You can play with a club, learn through a junior clinic or have a kick with friends. Make sure you have plenty of fluids on hand and rehydrate regularly. Don’t overdo it. Mix up your physical activity with other low-impact sports.

Are the risks of playing football worth it?

From the peewees to the pros, we’ve long accepted the toll that football exacts on the body—the sore muscles, the broken bones, the torn ligaments, the lost teeth, the risk of paralysis, and, especially in recent years, the dangers of concussions. The risks are worth it, the thinking goes, because the sport demands toughness and forges character.

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