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Do you know the types of wheelchairs?

There are a wide variety types of wheelchairs on the market, and friends who have been to the exhibition must have a dazzling and profound experience.

But are the various types of products evenly distributed?

The answer, of course, is… unbalanced!

We checked the information on the wheelchair product database of EASTIN, the European wheelchair authority, and found that there are only four major categories of products, including two-handed wheel drive wheelchairs, hand push wheelchairs, power steering electric wheelchairs and manual steering electric wheelchairs.

General Wheelchair

As the name suggests, it is a wheelchair sold by general medical equipment stores. It is roughly the shape of a chair, with four wheels, the rear wheel is larger, and a push wheel is added. The brake is also added to the rear wheel, and the front wheel is smaller for steering. An anti-roll wheel is added to the back of the wheelchair.

Generally, wheelchairs are relatively light and can be folded and put away.

It is suitable for those who have general conditions, or those with short-term mobility difficulties, and are not suitable for sedentary sitting.

Special Wheelchair

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