
不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?

細味生活 / Savor Lifestyle

Today I would like to take you guys to visit the Living Plaza by AEON shop, they are selling many good quality stuff with cheap prices, all item is HK$ 12 / pc only.

今日想帶大家行下吉之島既 Living Plaza, 佢地所有野都又平又靚又正, 件件都係 HK$12 咋.

When talking about this kind of bodega / grocery shop, are you going to imagine that they are selling for some ugly and poor quality shit? I used to have this impression when I was younger, but when I did change my mind since I turned into 30, I really enjoy to shop in this kind of bodega, I love to think about how to decorate my home better.

講起呢啲咁既雜貨店,大家會唔會想像到佢地淨係賣啲又醜又廢既垃圾呢? 我以前就係咁覺得架啦, 不過我踏入30歲之後我改變左諗法,而家我好鬼鐘意行呢啲家品店,因為我好鐘意諗點去報置我屋企.

You can find a lot of functional stuff like cushion, slippers, bowl, plate etc for sure, you can also find many gadgets to decorate your home in this kind of shop nowadays.

係呢到,你除左可以搵到好多實用既物品例如咕𠱸, 拖鞋,碗碗碟碟等, 今時今日,你仲可以係到搵到唔少小擺設黎佈置一下你既小蝸居.

See, there are so many styles of piggy bank for you to keep your coins at home, I know many people is using mobile payment in China, but in Hong Kong, it's still very popular to pay cash when you shop for groceries in the markets, you better to have a piggy bank to store you coins.

嗱,佢地淨係錢甖都咁多款式比你選擇, 你可以揀一個你Like既款放係屋企擺散銀. 我知而家中國國內好多人都流行用手機支付, 但係係香港, 特別係你去街市買餸個陣,始終都係用現金會好啲既,所以最好整返個錢甖係屋企放散銀.

They also have some little toys for kids, the above picture is the mini torch? I am not sure because I can't read the japanese words.

佢地仲有啲小玩具比細路仔玩架, 上面呢張圖好似係迷你電筒仔, 其實我唔係好清楚,唔識睇日文啊

There are different kind of mini 3D puzzle for your kids, fortunately all items are HK$12/pc, you can buy all of them home to play with your little monster.

佢地仲有好多迷你既立體砌圖, 好在佢地件件12蚊, 你買埋返去比你個小魔怪都唔怕啦.

I wanted to insert more pictures in one post, but considering I can't go out to take picture anymore in short time, I want to keep some pictures to let me write few more posts, your understanding is appreciated. Have a nice weekend.

本來想係同一個帖放多啲相寫長啲,但一諗到短期內都唔可以出去,就想留返啲相寫多幾個post, 感謝大家理解

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