
不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?

感受到書卷氣冇? / Can you feel the elegant?

Yesterday I introduced Dumbarton Road where is the traditional luxury area in Kowloon city, today I am going to show you guys some noble school nearby the district.

琴日同大家介紹左九龍城傳統豪宅區 - 東寶庭道,今日順便帶大家睇埋佢地附近既傳統貴族學校.

Munsang College is found in 1926, the traditional noble school in Kowloon City, of course their official language is English. The reason of I introducing this college is that they have a one stop service from kindergarten, primary school and secondary school, they are the only school during Japanese occupation in Hong Kong as well.


The college has about 16,800 sq meter, they have got standard Schoolyard, Running track, Football pitch, Basketball court, swimming pool...I would be great if I could study there when I was small...

呢間野就西利囉, 佔地16,800平方米, 擁有標準操場,標準跑道,標準足球場,標準籃球場,室內運動場及室外標準游泳池...如果我細個可以係到返學就正囉.

Beside the Munsang College, there is another noble college called Holy Family Canossian School where is just opposite to Munsang, this is a convent school, heard that they have quite a lot of pretty girls in this college, but this is just a rumor, I never ever know anyone who studied in this college in my life.

除左民生書院, 呢頭仲有另一間貴族學校 - 嘉諾撒聖家學校, 佢就係正民生對面,係一間全女學, 聽聞呢間學校好多靚女, 不過都係聽聞咋, 我咁大個仔冇識過有人係呢到讀書.

Luxury houses with noble schools, cool, you can tell even the public area in the area will be very grand, even the park is way better to the place I am living in. Well, we are in different level, I can't compare with the Blue Blood I know....

豪宅配名校,簡直一絕,由此可見, 佢地連啲公眾地方都高當過人, 是但一個公園都靚過我住個到個啲多多聲...冇辦法啦, 我同啲貴族唔同level, 冇得比....

This park called Carpenter Road Park, actually this is under the government, but it looks like the private garden for the luxury houses, and you can see they are super large from the map.

呢個公園叫賈炳達道公園,其實佢只係政府豁下既一個休憩場所,但佢靚到好似啲私人屋苑既花園咁, 大家睇地圖就知佢有幾大.

The pavilion in the park is under maintenance, I can get closed to it.


The park is too large, I didn't want to walk around in the whole park because it was too hot.


They have a large shopping mall Kowloon City Plaza, I will introduce it in details in my next post.

佢地有個大型商場 - 九龍城廣場, 我係下帖會詳細介紹.

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