Dinner with mom


I can’t recall when did I make my last long post on here steemit, pretty sure that it has been a long long while. Sometimes need to make a longer post still though.

Time flies, 2023 will be ended in less than 2 months from now, my life is absolutely back to pre-covid ear since the beginning of the year. That mean I gotta travel Shenzhen and Hong Kong daily, well sometimes I stay at Hong Kong after off for work when I am feeling too tired.

Last night I didn’t go Shenzhen as I know my wife was kinda busy with the up coming event by 2 and 3 December, she’s not able to off early until the event is done, under this circumstance, I decided not letting myself too tired to traveling Shenzhen and Hong Kong too often.

Asked my mom to have dinner downstairs together last night as I don’t want she spends time to cook for me, I know she’s tired after doing the housework. After moving out to leave with my wife for years, I know how disgusting to keep doing the same housework like wipe the floor, putting all your clothes to the clothes washing machine then take them our to dry them after the washing is done.

So, just make life easier and more relax, we can’t save much money to cook on our own when there’s just my mom and me. Why don’t we directly go eat outside?

Mood is ok lately even though my shitty old man boss still goes crazy daily, but I try not give a fuck to him now, Christmas is coming soon, all I gonna do is letting myself to have good mood, enjoy my annual leave and trip before the Christmas holiday. Them do my best on the driving exam in China.

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atyh不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?
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