
不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?

Hey my sweetie wife, here’s your gift from the UK, 親愛的, 英國的禮物來了

If you ask what motivating myself to keep recording my daily life on hive, I would say to record my life during the pandemic, then I can show my wife how did I spend time without her in the past 3 years, and also the gift that I am going to buy for my wife.

Thus, during these 3 years of the pandemic, I built up a habit to update my post daily, sometime I made more than one post on here hive every day. At the beginning I don’t really expect I can buy her a luxury goods as a gift on such blockchain social media to be honest. I simply told myself to keep writing everyday and let’s see what’s going on after one year or two.

I was surprised to seeing that my portfolio gave me very good return after writing blog on here hive for one year while the crypto market was in bull market in 2021, then I bought her the very first LV bag when I decided to go Shenzhen quarantine.

It has been 2 years since I bought her the very first LV bag, and visiting the UK was my first oversea trip after 3 and half years of the pandemic, what should I do for my wife?

Getting her a new LV bag is a good idea, but hey, I ain’t spending my own money in my bank account as I said, I will only take some profit from the crypto that made to get the bag for her, so I can’t afford the bag that is too pricey

Since our schedule during the Distoy was too tight, I didn’t sure can I make it to visit the LV shop at New Bone Street for her, Thank God finally I made it. The model that she wants only got one left in whole London, lucky you my pretty wife. Glad that you love it very much when you see the bag in person.

如果你問我, 是甚麼驅使我這幾年幾乎每天在hive寫文章, 我大概會說, 記錄生活, 因為我可以隨時翻出來給我老婆看看,過去三年,在疫情下我是如何渡過的. 另外嘛, 就是有空買些小禮物給她囉.

所以過往這三年, 我都養成了每天寫文章的習慣, 有時我一天還會寫多過一篇. 一開始嘛, 我沒預期可以在這種平台賺好多錢, 抱著玩玩的心態啦. 所以沒有去想可以買甚麼名貴的東西給她. 反正啊, 每天寫就是了.

然後, 在2021年正值牛市, 我沒想到只是用了短短一年, 我的投資組合居然有那麼亮眼的成績呢. 所以, 我第一次回深圳隔離時, 用幣幣賺的錢買了個LV包包給她.

距離上次買包包給她都有兩年了, 今次出差英國, 是疫情三年半以來, 我第一次出國, 嗯…所以今次買甚麼給她做手信好呢? 再來一個包吧, 嘿嘿

不過我有一個原則, 就是我不要用自己在銀行的存款去買這些東西, 我只會用我在幣幣賺到的去買, 所以嘛, 不能買太貴的包包啦, 這個原則不能打破呢.

我們這次行程好密, 一開始我都擔心我有沒有辦法抽時間去買包給她, 幸好, 最後都給我找到空檔去買. 納尼, 她看中的那個款, 居然在倫敦只餘下一個? The one and only? 杜太太你真的幸運, 要是我走錯去另一家店, 你都沒手信囉. 回去之後, 她看到那包十分喜歡, 那我也開心了.

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