
不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?

Let’s setup the booth for the show, 動手報置場地

Before making a new post for today, just want to share my though on using mark down (not sure if the expression corrects) for my previous post, couldn’t believe that it was so time consuming to using such format the make post in bilingual, pulling all English words to the left then all Chinese words to the right. And I wasn’t too happy with the result, so I simply not using any format to write for today’s post.

The exhibition is very closed to the hotel that we stay per my yesterday post, it’s from West Kensington to the St. James’s Park, 6 stations apart only. So, it only took us about 20 mins to get there. Since it’s my first time to visit there, I hardly listen any thing that my boss said during our walk to the hotel but kept taking pictures, haha.

The interior of the hotel is very impressed to me, very British style, looks traditional but beautiful. (Bullshit, I am in London, you will say I am idiot if I tell you the hotel is very Japanese style, right?)

We arrived there at 10:30 am which is too early for sure, we were the first exhibitor whom arrived there for the booth setup, we went check in, got the key card, then open the door and I went, what, that small the room….anyway, I was reassure to seeing all them samples arrived there safe. I couldn’t sleep for many night because the samples issue.

Both the niece of old man and me struggles for nearly 3 hours, the setup had been done, we got no appointment on that day as the exhibition was not opening to the public on that day, so old man suggested to go Victoria walking around and have lunch together. Sure, you paid, why not, let’s go.

寫帖前說一下我昨天用mark down格式的帖的感受, 我完全沒想過純粹把英文放左邊, 然後中文放右邊, 這麼簡單的格式可以花我那麼多時間, 最重要的是出來的效果我也不是好滿意, 所以我最後決定, 今天啥也不加, 直接一段英文一段中文就是了.

展會那邊離我們住的酒店其實也好近, 由West Kensington 到St James’s Park, 就6個站. 我們大概花了20分鐘就會場那邊了. 因為這是我第一次去London, 所以路上我都沒理會老頭說甚麼, 我就專心拍照好了. 嘿嘿

酒店的裝修其實挺吸引我的, 就是那種好英倫式的風格. 屁啦, 我人在倫敦呢, 難不成這邊會好日式Style?

我們在早上10:30就到會場那邊了, 好明顯我們是最早的那批人, 沒有之一. Check in完, 拿房卡, 一打開門…哎…這房就那麼小嘛? 算了, 見到樣板安全到步我就安心了. 為了樣板的事, 我都不知有多少個晚上沒睡好.

我和老頭的侄女經過快三小時的努力, 總算把所有東西佈置好了, 因為第一天沒有客人, 這天是不對外開放的, 只供我們參展商去佈置. 所以中午我們都沒事做, 然後老頭就說不如去Victoria 那邊逛逛順便吃飯, 我心想, 當然可以, 反正你買單. 走起 !!

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