
不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?

Nice walking at the Promenade / 漫步海濱長廊

Our picture at Promenade / 我們在海濱長廊的合照. 我有出鏡的, 看紅圈

Previously: Last weekend I accompanied my brother-in-law visiting his aunt at BaoAn district in Shenzhen, before arriving aunt’s home I though it’s going to be bored.

話說.上週日我陪我弟到寶安, 去小姨家那邊做客, 在去到之前, 我還以為會悶死我啦.

Ended up it’s out of my expectation as there were so many nice foods that I loved to eat, I was sooo happy to hearing that aunt prepared for me deliberately, she still remembers what I love to eat!!! It had been 5 or 6 years since when I last seen her in person, her memory is really good.

誰不知最後出乎我意料呢, 因為小姨準備了很多我愛吃的啊. 她居然還記得我愛吃甚麼. 對上一次見小姨應該是5-6年前的事了吧? 她的記性還真不錯呢.

After we done for the lunch, the wife of my bro in law took a nap with baby, then we went out for a walk, we drove for 25 mins to reach the Promenade.

吃完飯之後, 弟媳和BB小睡了一會, 之後我們去了海濱長廊散步, 開車也要開25分鐘呢

We were worrying about the car park on the way as we already saw too many cars parked in the street, don’t they worry to get a fine ticket? Anyway, we didn’t want to take risk then we went to the car park to try our luck. We were surprised to seeing we immediately have a car park as there was a car ready to leave, wow, our baby always brings us good luck!

在路上我們還一直擔心沒車位, 因為未到那邊的時候已經看見好多車直接泊街上了, 他們不怕罰單嗎? 可我們不想冒險呢, 照去停車場碰下運氣. 去到停車場之後, 我們居然看見有一台車準備走了. 我們的BB太利害了, 經常為我們帶來好運呢.

I will say I don’t have interested to come alone for just taking pictures there but my brother-in-law, his wife and baby were there, it’s another story, we didn’t stay there for too long, maybe just an hour then my mother-in-law called and asked us get our ass back aunt’s home for dinner.

坦白說, 要是我自己一個人的話, 估計不會專程過來拍拍照散散步, 不過有我弟他們陪, 這又是另一回事了. 可我們也沒有逗留多久, 大概一個小時左右吧. 之後丈母娘打電話來叫我們回去吃飯呢…

Well, it’s a bit buzzkill as we planned to eat outside, anyway we had no choice but to home. Wow, fortunately we didn’t insist to eat outside, aunt prepared another great food for me, the oyster omelet and shrimp congee.

哎, 有一丟丟掃興啊, 本來我們打算偷偷出去吃飯啊. 不過我們都沒的選擇了. 只好回去. 回到去一看, 哇, 幸好沒堅持出去吃. 小姨又準備了我愛吃的蠔餅和蝦粥呢.

We were super satisfied on both lunch and dinner they prepared for us. Most importantly, we didn’t have to spend extra money on meals, what a perfect weekend.

在小姨家吃完之後, 十分滿足, 最重要的是, 我們沒有花錢在吃上面啊. 簡直是個完美的週末呢.

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