
不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?

The most coincidence thing in my life

The more I interact with the people on Liketu, the more weird topics I can figure out to share with you guys. Today I am not showing the street views or foods to you guys. Instead, I will share my daily life with my work to you as somebody has asked about my job on Hive before, so it’s good chance for me to introduce my background in detail to you guys.

I have been working in a toy and board game company for 4 years (in the past I used to say I am working in a toy company and people always go “Sex Toy?”. Darn, I don’t want to explain again and again so I gotta say I am in a toy and board game company now lol)

You’ll think there is nothing special no matter what industry I am working in, but you will change your mind after you have read my following story:

What’s the most coincidence in your life you ever seen? For me, I gotta say, you know your colleague were living in the same estate, same building, same floor, just next to your room for more than 15 years !!! But you guys nerve pumped into her until you join the company !!!!

Yes, this is the most funny coincidence in my life ever !!!! Since we were actually a neighbor, our relationship in office is a bit special, I always have a prank on her at office in the past 4 years for sure. Sometimes we do have a big brawl to each other as well but we will back to normal very soon when considering we were neighbor (actually my mom knows her mom)

Somehow yesterday one of our colleague in shipping team suggested that we should take a picture, we never take picture together in these years, alright, I immediately turned into naught (you can say retarded mode), I won’t make a normal pose to take a picture with her for sure, well, I could still control myself in the 1 shoot, but I already loss control in the next shoot so you can see I blur my figures (needing no explanation what did I do, right? lol)

Guess my topic of today is not what Liketu really wanted, supposed here expecting people use pictures telling their story, words as subordinate, but I am doing the contrary in this post. Words are the major and pictures as subordinate, so I am going to stop for today. Have a nice day guys.

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