the first breakfast of 2022


em...I realised that i have missed my very first breakfast yesterday as I got up till 1pm something yesterday, so I directly skip for breakfast and had my lunch.

So this morning is my first breakfast of the 2022, to be honest I might even skip it if my mom doesn't go down get it for me, I am kinda too lazy, maybe also too crazy huh?

I had a really nice breakfast this morning, it got fried fish fillet pork bratwurst with herbs and scrambled egg, and also a garlic toast, was it too much for a person? i think so, so i ain't gonna to have lunch till 2pm now.

I supposed 2022 is a good start to me, but sounds it's even worse as the shitty Cathy Air Line got 2 assholes whom spreading the omicron virus in the local community in Hong Kong, so we can tell that the border between HK and mainland china will keep closed for longer than we thought.

Oh yeah fuck that 2 motherfucking bastards, they violated the quarantine policy and spread the virus, and the fucking Airline just say "apologize for inconvenience caused" and fired that 2 smart asses. I swear I won't going to take that shitty airline anymore after the pandemic is gone, wish that fucking company goes bankrupt as soon as possible.

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atyh不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?
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