VCC for Facebook Ads
VCC for Facebook Ads

Best virtual card service provider for online marketing and e-commerce Facebook Ads

How to get a virtual prepaid Visa or Mastercard online?

Many major banks offer virtual credit cards as a free service. If you’re not sure if your bank offers virtual cards, give them a call and ask.

For those whose banks don’t offer virtual credit cards, there are third-party services like FotonCard that will work with your existing cards. However, there are fewer and fewer such banks. And if your bank is still like that, it might be worth considering changing it.

Many virtual credit cards also come with custom features that may not be available on your standard credit card. For example, you can set “valid until” dates and spending limits and automate bill payments.

FotonCard provides a variety of VCC (Virtual Credit Card) options. With any name and address, their VCC can be used to activate or verify accounts for PayPal, Adwords, Facebook, Netflix, eBay, Amazon, and other services. Their virtual credit cards come at a low cost and are easy to use.

FotonCard provides prepaid virtual Visa and Mastercard bank cards that let you make online purchases of products and services. They operate globally, enabling you to buy VCC (virtual credit cards) from any location and use them to make payments online on any websites that recognize Mastercard or Visa prepaid cards.



