
Self Made Newbie Best

If you're looking to get started with a business online or looking to progress in life in the areas of health, wealth, and love - I hope I can help.


- Get a list of the best digital business cards for your business. (This also includes the best NFC business cards).

- For exercise, get yourself the best Weight bench with leg extension.

- Into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? Find the best BJJ gis and the best BJJ rashguards.

- Taking stock and writing things down is important. That means getting yourself a planner book and something to track your budgeting.

- Wanting to print T-Shirts and sell them online? You need sublimation software.

- Spruce up your landing pages with interactive video.

- If you're traveling and need to keep in-touch, an international sim card might be helpful.

- What to make your gaming setup more stylish and clean? Try going with a white gaming keyboard to go with your live-streaming.

- Skilling up in your area of expertise is important. You can also make money from teaching using the best course creation software.

- Make talking on camera easy with teleprompter software so you can save time on editing.

- Uncomfortable talking? There are some great text-to-speech options available to ensure you make great sounding videos.

- If you're unsure of an online business model there is only one course that can help you try everything. The infamous Real World program.

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