Are Burglar Alarms Effective? Are They Worth the Investment?


Are burglar alarms effective? If yes, in what ways do they provide security? These are typical inquiries that come up when thinking about purchasing a home intrusion alarm system. If these are things you're wondering about, don't worry—the answer is absolutely "yes"—burglar alarms may be a very useful tool for protecting your house and giving you peace of mind.

Researches About How Effective Are Burglar Alarms

A great deal of research and studies have been conducted to confirm the efficacy of burglar alarms. For example, a research by Blevins et al. included 1,513 burglars who were incarcerated in North Carolina, Ohio, and Kentucky. They sent out self-completion questionnaires and got responses from 422 burglars, of whom almost 60% said that an alarm would make them less likely to attack a residence. Burglars who were more inclined to organize their target selection were more likely to respond in this way.

In a word, a home security system can offer priceless security and peace of mind for you and your loved ones by reducing threats and improving your home's general security.

However, it's crucial to take into account the initial investment and continuing costs of home security systems. Your choice should take into account the cost of the original installation, ongoing maintenance costs, and monthly monitoring fees.

Ultimately, the effectiveness and worthiness of burglar alarms depend on individual circumstances and preferences. It is important to take into account variables including the property's worth, the crime rate in the area, and your top objectives for personal protection.  It is advisable to conduct thorough research, consult with security professionals, and evaluate the specific features and capabilities of different alarm systems before making an informed decision on whether to invest in one.

Final Words

In the end, investigations and research have shown that burglar alarm systems are a reliable deterrent to would-be trespassers. Gaining insight into these systems' inner workings and diverse parts can help one appreciate their efficacy on a deeper level. Although purchasing a home security system is a personal choice based on unique circumstances, many homeowners believe it to be a worthy investment.


If you are considering investing in a burglar alarm system or other security devices, I encourage you to explore Roombanker. Roombanker has a large selection of reasonably priced, top-notch burglar incursion systems and devices to satisfy your unique security requirements. To discover a store where you can buy their items and start strengthening the security of your house, Simply search for "Roombanker" on Google.

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