
熱愛健康生活: 閱讀寫作,中醫養生,禪修調心。喜歡分享家庭生活,個人成長,社會事件,歷史故事。寫人生百態,發原創作品。

一滴學英文(二)價值 | Value

What feels right to me may not be right for everyone. I will not judge other people and set them apart if they have different values.


1.What I felt

In my culture, when we talk about value, we think more about the big picture of how one contributes to the country or the society. I have never thought about personal values so deeply. I felt that this lesson has opened my mind that values are deeply held beliefs that guide our behaviors and decisions. We make decisions and choose behaviors, friends, and careers in our everyday life based on our values.


2.What I learned

Personally, I learned that personal values are important to us because they are the essence of who we are. Our values help guide us in our daily decisions and motivate us. I think that value comes from both traits and life experience. We assimilate values during childhood from parents, teachers, coaches, and others.

Therefore, many values that operate as a basis for choices, decisions, and behaviors are assimilated during our early years. The culture, environment, and religion also influence our values. In later years, as a result of critical thinking and life experiences, we may discard some values and add others. I also learned that values impact every aspect of my life. I use my values to make decisions about priorities in my daily work or home life and plan my goals and life purpose.

Professionally, I learnt that living my values can help me be the person I want to be, help accomplish my goals and dreams, and help me to influence others. I also learned that there are value conflicts between self and other people. What feels right to me may not be right for everyone. I will not judge other people and set them apart if they have different values.


3.What I would do differently

Knowing that values are not about right and wrong as a broad, cultural construct, but about what's right and wrong for me as an individual, given who I am and what I want in my life. I will separate what society, culture, and family values from my individual set of values because what value may not be right for those close to me. From the values worksheet, I understand what values are important to me. When I need to set my goals, make plans and decisions, I will check my value lists to choose my priority.


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