金心聖傳大法王 景心聖傳大法王
金心聖傳大法王 景心聖傳大法王

金心聖傳大法王 景心聖傳大法王BY寶相佛 捐款帳號 SWIFT CODE: BKTWTWTP019 台灣銀行 BANK OF TAIWAN 004 帳號 019-002-00520-9

1.Tell your faculty and your staff what productivity is and that's what we want.

To 習近平 Modi Putin

1.Tell your faculty and your staff what productivity is and that's what we want.

4.someone said it's a balancing power between purchasing and consuming power.

5.someone said it's a balancing power between production and consumption.

6.Any else?

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