
I read about the good, the beautiful, the self and love. *The better part of my heart is open.

同志文学读书会 17 期:Orlando 第三章


p.128: Returning home, she saluted each star, each peak, and each watch-fire as if they signalled to her alone; and at last, when she flung herself upon her mat in the gipsies' tent, she could not help bursting out again, How good to eat! How good to eat!

(1)Orlando 的自然观与 吉普赛人的 自然观有什么差异?


(3)该如何理解吉普赛人对美的事物的赞叹 “How good to eat”?



(6)吉普赛人如果向往自由,为什么对 Orlando 的不同生活方式并不包容?

(7)Orlando 和吉普赛人对于房产,对于 “拥有” 的认知有何不同?


(9)如果吉普赛人是合乎自然规律的生活方式,Orlando 和吉普赛人之间的张力是否反映了他和自然之间的张力?


p.122-125: Chastity,Purity,Modesty 三位神明的介入与 Orlando 的变性过程


(11)作者对 Orlando 变性的过程的处理草率吗?

(12)整个变性过程并没有侧重 Orlando 的生理变化,心理变化,Orlando 昏迷了几天以后就奇迹般地变性。作为读者,我们是否感到失望?

(13)我们应该感到失望吗?我们应该要求补充 Orlando 过程的细节,甚至于认为作者对变性的草率处理是小说的缺陷?

(14)如果叙述者想关注的,和读者期待的形成了错位,叙述者写 Orlando 变性的意图是什么?


p.138: And as all Orlando's loves had been women, now, through the culpable laggardry of the human frame to adapt itself to convention, though she herself was a woman, it was still a woman she loved; and if the consciousness of being of the same sex had any effect at all, it was to quicken and deepen those feelings which she had had as a man.

(15)通过这段话,我们该如何理解 Orlando 对于 sexuality 和 gender 的认识?

(16)如果 gender 没有 sexuality 重要,变性的意义何在?

(17)Orlando 以其修长的双腿闻名。Orlando 变性后是否具有同样的性吸引力?变性前后,Orlando 在英国露出其脚踝,受到的社会评价一样吗?


(19)变性后,作者说 Orlando:“He was a woman”,看似矛盾的表述是否体现了 Orlando 身上的 queerness?

(20)对于 Orlando 这样一位 transgender 来说,要确定自己的性别,是自己的认同重要,还是社会的认同重要?二者矛盾吗?

(21)Orlando 变形后,在从土耳其回到英国的船上快速完成了对自己女性身份的建构。这是否说明所谓的 “变性” 是一个重新社会化的过程?


p.128: She climbed the mountains; roamed the valleys; sat on the banks of the streams. She likened the hills to ramparts, and the plains to the flanks of kine. She compared the flowers to enamel and the turf to Turkey rugs worn thin. Trees were withered hags, and sheep were grey boulders. Everything, in fact, was something else.

(22)Orlando 把目之所及的异乡的自然景观类比成别的东西。一般来说,人们通过类比来把不熟悉的事物(本体)和熟悉的事物(喻体)相联系,从而拓展认知。Orlando 选择的喻体有什么特征?是胡乱的联系从而反映了她面对异乡自然景观时的无法自控,还是对英国不自觉的思念(如果我们把他的喻体都解读为故乡风物)?

(23)Orlando 面对自然而兴类比,从类比中又总结出 “Everything, in fact, was something else. ” 我们该如何理解这句话的含义?

(24)如果 Orlando 从自然得来的这个智慧早已有之,这种 “甲其实是乙” 的原则是否可以用来解释 Orlando 突然变性后的冷静与欣然?(即男性的 Orlando 其实是女性的 Orlando)

(25)“甲其实是乙” 是否代表了 Orlando 的 queer point of view?一种有别于静态的 “甲是甲” 模式的动态变化的存在方式?

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