
Validator Intro of JustSmile: update

Update after 2 months of being LikeCoin Mainnet validator

Hi! This is my experience overview for 2 months of being LikeCoin validator and community member.

  • During this period I was able to keep high uptime and never got jailed: https://likecoin.bigdipper.live/validator/cosmosvaloper1lge9wv5p6d7nw75es6gpdgt6g4m2gjer8pnrra.
  • Successfully joined LikeCoin testnet. The process was similar with Mainnet node setup. Together with other LikeCoin community members we found some non-critical issues in instructions and they were quickly fixed by LikeCoin team.
  • Voted "Yes" on testnet network upgrade proposal. The idea of this proposal was to upgrade network to the new version of Cosmos SDK and enable IBC transfers. This first need to be done in testnet in order to be sure there is no issues and later repeat the whole process in Mainnet. The proposal content is as follows:
Testnte proposal content
  • Set halt time and performed testnet upgrade. It initially threw an error, but @nnkken identified the issue (truely master!) and gave validators the solution, so the network launched successfully 1.5 hours after halt.
  • I decided to keep my testnet node live as it might be useful for the further testing. It is available in testnet Explorer: https://likecoin-public-testnet-3.netlify.app/validators/cosmosvaloper13mny55gazm965cea8jyp98y93uy3nte25lr4lu
My testnet validator
  • Voted "Yes" on Mainnet "Fotan" upgrade proposal which is scheduled on August 18, 2021 at 11:45 UTC. Proposal details are available in Mainnet Explorer: https://likecoin.bigdipper.live/proposals/15
  • Distributed LIKE tokens between talented content creators on Matters - 1000 LIKE in July and 2000 LIKE in August. This is not much because I use my personal funds to buy tokens from Exchange. Still, I plan to continue these distributions as it is super important for me to incentivize creators of quality content and to support LikeCoin ecosystem. I make all distributions from this wallet: 

Now I am looking forward LikeCoin Mainnet upgrade. Being one of the Cosmos-based projects it is important to implement IBC technology and connect with other amazing networks! I also hope for being selected for Community Delegation Program so that I could even more secure LikeCoin network and increase the amount of tokens I can contribute to content creators on Matters.

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