
NFT new way to play? Hold COSONFT zero cost to get airdrop or reshape the play new market

From liquidity mining to new coin mining, there is no doubt that the entry of cryptocurrency exchanges has opened a window for more ordinary users to explore the world of decentralized finance.

In fact, ordinary users trying to profit from the DeFi space through liquidity mining still encounter a number of problems. First, the expensive Gas fees and congested network discourage many retail investors; second, the transaction operation is too cumbersome and prone to mistakes, and the unfriendly user interface makes transfer transactions less secure. With the entry of head cryptocurrency exchanges such as KuCoin, Soman and Firecoin, it has played a positive role in promoting both ordinary users, new coin projects and the entire DeFi market. In terms of security, users can get enough protection as almost all operations when mining new coins can be done inside the trading platform without much on-chain operations.

In addition, in the past DeFi market, many liquidity mining projects often ran away or the project founder disappeared, resulting in easy loss of investors' funds. In contrast, new coin mining projects on cryptocurrency exchanges are basically screened by the platform and "backed" by the exchange, so many new coin mining projects are of relatively high quality, for example, the recent BurningDrop launch are all IDO projects on DAO Maker, and each project has Each project has a good development potential, among which HORD opened up 25 times, TCP opened up 24 times and LOCG opened up 18 times, with obvious wealth creation effect.

With the continuous improvement of the ecological infrastructure of the crypto world, the wealth effect is concentrating on the head platform with the first complete ecology.

The total market value of DeFi tokens has increased nearly 7 times, and the total locked position has doubled over 18 times.... The total market value of DeFi tokens has increased 7 times, and the total locked position has increased 18 times...With the gold-absorbing effect of high returns, DeFi has completed a leap forward in the crypto world and made it to CCTV news, officially coming out of the circle. At the same time, DeFi's development has shown signs of lack of momentum as the wave of "dirt dog" projects running and zeroing out has intensified, the yield continues to fall, the Gas fee remains high, and the threshold for entry is getting higher and higher. With less than $20,000 in capital available to make a profit in DeFi mining, the game of wealth, which is "controlled" by the minority, is gradually fading after the success of "scientists" and large investors.

In the crypto world, there is no such thing as the first rich driving the last rich, only the big fish eating the small fish. How to lower the threshold of participation and let more ordinary users share the development dividend of decentralized finance?

While the underlying technology of ethereum cannot be changed in the short term, the main forces of centralized financial CeFi have entered the exchange. At present, a certain An and other have launched mining products, mainly by pledging platform coins or project coins for new coin mining, similar to Staking finance, while COSOSWAP is much more innovative, directly hitting the popular DeFi products and becoming a financial aggregator.

I didn't expect that CeFi, which started from a retail user service perspective, would become a "booster" for DeFi to then play music and dance. For investors, the ability to consider the selection of good investment targets is also increasing. How to let users deeply participate in the ecological development of the project is not only the self-development needs of high-quality projects, but also an important way for major platforms to encourage users to actively participate in the construction of the project and obtain greater investment income.

In this model, the user through the holding COSONFT to get airdrop earnings way is 0 cost, and with airdrop Token direct participation model will bring a long-term stability of the user return. This also gives more possibilities and imagination to COSONFT new business. In fact, the accumulation of wealth can not only provide a stable traffic base for the platform, but also for the ecology of the new project to bring users long-term token holding rate and attention. If users can form a cognitive consensus on the project's prospect during this period, it can continue to promote the project and community development, forming a benchmark effect and attracting more high-quality project parties to launch new projects on COSOSWAP platform, forming a virtuous cycle.

In addition, unlike traditional finance and centralized exchange platform endorsement and risk control screening, in the world of DeFi, most farmers are unable to self-assess the security of smart contracts and rely on luck and "digging and selling" speed to bet on the security of the project. The majority rely on luck and the speed of "mining and selling" to bet on the security of the project. The frequency of security incidents such as theft and backdoor runs by the creator has increased the risk factor of DeFi, such as the suspected run of the DeFi liquidity mining project, where 4 million has been transferred in less than an hour and its website is no longer accessible; the liquidity mining project is also suspected of running away, with some community members saying that the project's Some community members said that the official website of the project could not be opened, and official communities such as Discord and Telegram have been disbanded or closed.

DeFi is gradually losing its high-yielding money-making effect due to its high threshold, high fees and high risks. In the midst of a massive decline in popularity, COSOSWAP has prescribed a cure for the "three highs" of DeFi - the one-click lockout. Unlike the traditional cumbersome DeFi mining path, COSOSWAP's NFT lockout not only greatly reduces the user's operational path and complexity, but also eliminates the high cost of on-chain operations. In COSOSWAP, users simply enter a one-click lockout on the page and then participate directly. If the user wants to unlock, the user can successfully "redeem" without a fixed time, knowing that in traditional liquidity mining, not only the fees are high, but also the Gas fees consumed by failed transactions are not refunded, and the user has to bear the loss of assets caused by operational errors.

COSOSWAP "plays and dances" with one key pledge, and compared to the DeFi platform, which lacks an audit mechanism, COSOSWAP also greatly reduces project risk for users through a strict audit mechanism. According to the officials, more popular projects will be accessed one after another in the future, and COSOSWAP also plays the role of DeFi aggregator. For COSONFT, the lowering of the access threshold, the simplification of the participation process, the exemption of high Gas fees and the reduction of security risks will largely improve its experience and attract more people's attention.


From COSONFT first project on line high rise 126%, to DPK highest rise 326%, and then FiVe1196%, the market new wealth creation machine is being born, at the same time, COSOSWAP in the business and play with more possibilities and operation space, in the new model, COSONFT and all projects between the value will be extremely high correlation, and As the traffic and ecology of both sides continue to interact with each other, the model will certainly promote the user ecological viscosity to a whole new level.

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