Scattered spells will become standard in the logistics market. Is it an opportunity or a challenge?


As the COVID-19 pandemic affects businesses around the world, LCL shipping is fast becoming the first choice of cross-border logistics companies for businesses looking for help in the complex global logistics industry.

LCL of bulk cargo is on the rise, and cross-border logistics has ushered in a new turning point

In the face of the huge market demand for scattered products, the intelligent logistics equipment industry has ushered in a rare development opportunity.

For customers who want to save transportation costs and ensure cost-effectiveness, LCL is a transportation strategy that can be used this year. In today's hard-to-find ocean shipping market, LCL space is easier to book because shippers and shippers only need a portion of the container space rather than an entire empty container. Especially in terms of today's air transportation environment, choosing LCL by sea has the opportunity to save costs better, and the saving rate can reach more than 60%.

Why is now the best time to choose LCL shipping?

From the uncertainty of transshipment, the integration of service providers, the complexity of trade wars, inconsistent visibility, and even the spread of the global epidemic, LCL shipping can be said to be an excellent solution to overcome the turbulent situation in the market.

Let the Sanpin system be your competitive advantage

As more technology-based enterprises join the import and export industry, the pain points of difficult and expensive logistics for small and medium-sized cross-border enterprises will be solved one by one.

Yijingtong Sanpin system was born for scattered enterprises. The scattered pinning system can assist B-end enterprises to track the trajectory of goods in real time, independently quote prices, manage customers at different levels, realize intelligent operation and efficient account reconciliation, and pay attention to the pain points of enterprises' difficulty in accounting, and implement the strategy of "full-counter checkout and single-ticket separation" , to achieve intelligent financial management. It also supports access to the WeChat public account, mini program and background management, which can meet the needs of customers to query quotations, query logistics tracks and place orders at any time.


At present, smart logistics is in a period of transformation and upgrading. Just imagine, when any thing or a field is looking for a new direction, opportunities and challenges coexist. Only by seizing the opportunity can we take advantage of the momentum, and only by meeting the challenges can we achieve a new leap!

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