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元宇宙第一家銀行:摩根大通在 Decentraland 開設貴賓室的意義

NFT 是品牌價值的另一種載體,它的實用性並非買家唯一考量,方便收藏、展示也很重要。但 NFT 並非完全沒有用途,元宇宙就是 NFT 的使用場景之一。上週摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)宣布在 Decentraland 開設貴賓室,成為進入元宇宙的第一家銀行。


Get A Complete Guide About Metaverse Development From Osiz

We are a leading metaverse development company that offers metaverse platform and application development services for real estate, fashion stores, gaming, and more.

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As this virtual reality space continues to evolve, the need for innovative and cutting-edge technologies becomes increasingly important.

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Want to create your own Virtual Games? With the rise of the metaverse, that dream is now closer than ever before.

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未命Creating Immersive Experiences: The Role of Metaverse Development Companies in Gaming and Beyond名

Hostmetas is one of the Top Metaverse Development Companies with passionate and data-driven Metaverse Developers.

Elena Smith

未命Metaverse Development Company - Revolutionizing Reality through Next-Gen Development名

Step into the endless possibilities of the virtual realm where imaginations have no bounds with Hostmetas.

Elena Smith

Building the next dimension - Unveiling the future of Metaverse with Hostmetas

Discover a successful way to create an immersive experience with our metaverse development company.

Elena Smith

Metaverse Development Company - Empowering the future with Cutting-Edge technologies from Hostmetas

Embark on a journey of limitless possibilities as Hostmetas pioneers the metaverse development with groundbreaking technologies and visionary concepts.

Elena Smith

Metaverse Development Company - Explore the boundless possibilities of building virtual worlds

Many companies all over the world got into action to build a metaverse. Jump in and explore everything about building virtual worlds.

Elena Smith

Metaverse Development Company - Revolutionize the virtual world with our metaverse services

Are you looking for a team of experienced and talented developers to help you build your dream virtual world? If so, Hostmetas, a Metaverse Development Company is the perfect answer.

Elena Smith

Metaverse Development Company - To enter into the Virtual space with Hostmetas

Discover ways to enter into the metaverse development space using blockchain technology.

Elena Smith

Build your metaverse platform using Blockchain Technology with our immense Metaverse Development Company - Hostmetas

As technology continues to evolve, the concept of a metaverse is becoming more and more prevalent. It's a virtual world where people can int...



「元」字還有一個意思,是後設(meta),所以 metaverse 一般譯作「元宇宙」。因為 Facebook 的規模與論述能力,很多人被 Mark Zuckerberg 洗腦,覺得元宇宙就是虛擬實境世界,實際上,正好相反,把公司名都改為 Meta 的 Facebook,幾乎是跟 metaverse 最遠的存在。


“Three-Body Problem” Metaverse Challenger Has Appeared

The First Metaverse Native Sci-Fi Work “DragonCapsule Trilogy”The “DragonCapsule Trilogy” has launched a grand conception of the future meta...





Beyond The CC0 — METAIP元宇宙原生商业版权模式

METAIP- 超越CC01. 八月,NFT 的新热点2022年8月1日,著名的加密艺术家大佬XCOPY宣布“all in CC0”(2022年3月,XCOPY创作的加密艺术 NFT《Death Dip》在 SuperRare 以 1000ETH 售出),表示将其所有作品开放CC0 。


Metabeauty <元美少女>的誕生

Metabeauty = Meta + Beauty = 元宇宙美少女 = 元美少女


技術筆記 | 有關元宇宙(Metaverse) (二)



The Sandbox Alpha Season 2 基本介紹與遊戲規則

The Sandbox,一個號稱Metaverse,卻像是基於區塊鏈以及NFT的馬力歐+ Minecraft遊戲,離電影裡的世界還很遠,但是個無門檻的Play to earn,雖然遊戲性很低,但延續第一季的精神,參與就有機會得到Alpha pass和SAND幣


技術筆記 3D虛擬朱銘美術館使用體驗

是不是,下雨下得好厭世喔! 來場沒有距離的虛擬體驗吧!
