3 人追踪
9 篇文章

The full Java developer manual of the productivity application RunFlow

This manual is writing for Java developers, if you are not a Java developer, you can read our developer manual. Of course, you can continue ...


The full developer manual of the productivity application RunFlow

Earlier we introduced the basic and advanced functions of RunFlow, this article is a developer manual specially prepared for developers.

Narola Infotech

What is examples of custom software?

You must have heard about the most common types of custom software development solutions already. However, when seeking services for one of those solutions, it’s necessary to know the details.

Inna Martirosyan

How To Make An App Like TikTok: All-in-One Development Guide [2022]

tiktok app development


Inna Martirosyan

Custom eLearning Development: All-in-One Business & Tech Guide [2022]

When the COVID-19 first struck, more than a billion students were cut from traditional education. The sector’s readiness to adapt made it possible to continue education from anywhere in the world.

Inna Martirosyan

IT Outsourcing: How to Choose the Right Partner?

WHAT IS IT OUTSOURCING? IT outsourcing is the business practice of engaging external providers to handle tasks related to information technology, such as software development, app development,support.

Inna Martirosyan

Clutch Recognizes Top App Developers for 2021

Clutch Recognizes Addevice Among Armenia’s Top App Developers for 2021


PMI-PBA 商業分析證照考取

✦ 考試日期:2020/11/21 15:15 ✦ 考試方式:線上在家考試 Person VUE ✦ 準備方式:線上課程,自修 ✦ 準備期間:約四個月 先奉上成績單 ~PBA Exam Report 從頭開始講起吧,2020年三月中旬開始菲律賓就實施封城,而我也開始在家工作。


你們 code review 了嗎?

工作上進行 code review 好一陣子了,這也算是我第一份有全程進行 code reivew 的工作。經過這段時間,深刻感受到導入 code review 後,對技術能力的提升或是團隊氣氛的養成都有相當大的幫助。我們目前的流程是利用 Github 的 Pull Re...
