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8 篇文章

Pudgy Penguins NFT 玩具熱銷的原因

擁有可愛企鵝外型的 Pudgy Penguins,上架數位實體週邊被搶購一空!這是怎麼回事?


Exploring the Possibilities of Mixed Reality: A Look at the Future of Technology

In recent years, technology has been advancing at an incredible rate. From the invention of the internet to the development of artificial in...


Exploring the Benefits of Phygital: How the Merging of Physical and Digital is Transforming Businesses

In the past decade, businesses have seen a rapid shift towards digital transformation. Technology has become an essential part of the way th...


A Guide to Navigating the Metaverse: What to Expect

The metaverse is an ever-evolving virtual world that is becoming increasingly popular among gamers and tech enthusiasts alike.


Revolutionizing the Way We Interact with Technology: Virtual Reality

As technology continues to evolve, so does the way we interact with it. Virtual reality (VR) is revolutionizing the way we interact with tec...


Exploring a New Reality: A Look into the World of Virtual Reality

In recent years, virtual reality (VR) has become increasingly popular, with people of all ages exploring the possibilities of this new technology.


Exploring the Possibilities of the Metaverse: What Lies Ahead?

The metaverse, a virtual world composed of multiple interconnected virtual environments, has been a concept that has been discussed for decades.


Phygital 是冷飯熱炒還是舊瓶新酒?連Azuki的PBT也來玩! - 區塊D週報

Phygital 從一開始的強調在不同「通路間」都可以順暢進行的商品購買體驗,進化到現在強調「商品本身」就提供虛擬與實體的雙重體驗,變成「跨越虛實的資產」,相信未來會有更多有趣的應用,個人感覺是非常期待啊!
