
I don't want to join any club that would have me as member.


那种所谓喜欢听歌,但不记名字的人,还真是擅长把懒惰包装成随性啊。赶快在脑中植入感应器,抓到的情绪信息全部喂给 Spotify 吧。再也不用记什么名字了。— ​​​不鸟万如一

Spotify 一流的订阅制音乐网站改变了音乐。庞大的音乐库面前,全平台加持,限制我们的不再是音频资源的匮乏。在后稀缺时代,聆听者面临的是「我要听什么?」这个问题。然而,当我们仔细思考这个问题的时候,我们或许会发现这个问题有两个答案,一个关乎盈利;而另一个答案,则是关于聆听。


「我当然是希望你一直听下去,哪怕是无意识地听。Daily Mix、 Mood playlist、 Discovery Weekly — 我会赋予你无穷无尽的歌单;我会赋予你学习、工作、煮饭、跑步时作伴的音乐;每一个情绪,我都做出五个歌单;你不用告诉我你想听什么,你只需要一直听下去,我就会十倍百倍地奉上你可能喜欢的音乐。专辑,乐队,流派,这些都不过是算式里的一个权重,重要的是,听吧,然后我会给你一首新的歌,让你听下去。」


So, that said, if you don't know this record, I'll just say that I recommend it highly, but I think it's best appreciated if you already know and/or own a few Coltrane records around it. That's not to say it's not beautiful on its own, that you wouldn't get something from it on one listen, but if you dive straight into this album and expect to have your life turned around because a bunch of other people like to say that's what happened to them, I suggest you ignore them. In fact, forget I said anything about it myself. This record was created by merely mortal human beings and as such is totally within the realm of comprehension and enjoyment for anyone who'd like to give it a shot. If you'd like to know about the back story that went into the creation, Ashley Kahn wrote a good book about it. If you'd like to know about the motivic development, there's writings about that and transcriptions of solos and such. If you wanna read some fan drool, just Google the title and you'll come up with about a million hits (just checked and I actually got 11,600,000 hits; adding the word "reviews" takes it down to 6,130,000). But if you just wanna experience it, first try Blue Train and then Giant Steps and then maybe Africa/Brass and then Impressions and then give this a spin. I assure you that it'll be a worthwhile journey. - nervnet on A Love Supreme

相信无须解释哪一个答案关乎聆听,哪一个答案关乎用户活跃度。或许我也不需要提及 Spotify 正在进行通过音乐品味侧描消费者的计划,但是或许音乐之死不是因为音乐变得不好了,而是聆听,作为一种艺术,先行死掉了。


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