
Why Feminism is Going to Extremes

The term feminism originated in the West, first appearing in France and implying women's liberation, and then spreading to Britain and the United States, where it gradually became popular. In the May Fourth Movement, it was introduced to China and designated as feminism. In the West, the feminist movement initially referred to the pursuit of equality between men and women, but later evolved into an analysis of why men and women are not equal, the power structure of men and women, and an emphasis on gender analysis. Yet what is existing feminism doing? Religious shouting, small essays of false accusations, profiting from money and dignity through online human flesh and net violence against dissenters, and attempting to create a kind of political correctness in society, acquiring new privileges and maintaining the ones already in place. Feminism, as an ideology and a social theory, should influence society in an unflinching way and promote social progress. Once feminism becomes a weapon of profit in the hands of some people and a sword of desire for those with ulterior motives, it will naturally go to extremes and go to the opposite side of the people.

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