

【WhatsApp 秘技】20 個電商必學的 WhatsApp 實用功能 2021

WhatsApp 全球用戶已高達20億,每日發送訊息的數量高達1000億。今年 WhatsApp 亦在香港人使用量最多的社交平台中排行第二。而隨着 WhatsApp 商業版出現,不少企業都利用它聯絡客戶,可見無論是私人事務,還是生意來往,大家的日常生活都離不開 WhatsApp。

13-Step to Start Instagram marketing

Calling for Instagram influencers!Or what if we say, ‘calling for Instagram business influencers’?If you’re running any retail business, bei...

開 IG Shop 必學10個功能!

社交媒體當中以Facebook及Instagram最為知名,單是Instagram的每月活躍用戶(Monthly active users, MAU) 已經達10億,而每日活躍用戶(Daily Active Users, DAU)亦有5億,反映現代人的生活已經完全離不開它們,In...

Using WhatsApp as a Customer Relationships Management Tool

Why Using WhatsApp CRM as the Main Channel for Customer ServiceHave you ever received WhatsApp messages from your beauty salon to confirm bookings?

WhatsApp on multiple devices: can the new beta help your business?

You may have received loads of WhatsApp updates for the past years. Some of them may not matter, but it seems the latest one definitely does.

The best WhatsApp marketing software you should know 2021

Just imagine if you could only have three apps installed on your smartphone; what would you keep?(Let me give you 5 seconds to think about……...

[E-commerce must read] WhatsApp Latest Interactive Message Feature

Have you ever shopped online?(This seems to be a really stupid question…) Let me rephrase it. How much do you spend online on average monthly?

eDM marketing 2021: Best practices and email templates

People might think emails are so 2010. You get loads of emails every day, but most don’t get opened. Some may go straight to the spam section.

6 video marketing tips for e-commerce business

6 video marketing tips for e-commerce businessThe customers of online products are on the internet because they get to see what they are buying, right?

[Best CRM Software] Here’s how you manage your customer database

How important is owning a customer database? How useful is customer data? How to gather and manage it? SleekFlow will tell you in this guide.

Create the best online booking system quickly without coding

Since when the terms like Google, Amazon, Taobao have become part of our daily conversation?“I googled something.” “I found that on Amazon....
