
正在了解自己、香港、世界 一切皆有趣: 食物, 健康, 運動, 書, 音樂, 電影, 攝影, 怪談, 靈異, 動畫, 漫畫, 科學, 人類起源, 宇宙奧秘, 個人成長, 理財...... 2020.09. Paris 2021.08. Lyon IG : cwan_0104

Tim Minchin

He's an Australian musician, composer, songwriter, actor, comedian and writer. Such an amazing guy, a real deal whom I just found out and appreciate a lot recently.
Nine Life Lessons - Tim Minchin


Here's a few remarks of "9 Life Lessons" shared by Tim in the above speech video which is full of humor:

  1. You don't have to really have a dream - Be micro-ambitious
  2. Don't seek happiness - Keep busy and aim to make someone else happy and you might find you get some as side effect.
  3. It's all LUCK - You can't truly take credit for your successes and not truly blame others for their failures.
  4. Exercise - Take care of your body cos you'll need it.
  5. Be hard on your opinion - Think critically.
  6. Be a Teacher - Share your ideas. Rejoice in what you learn and Spray it!
  7. Define yourself by what you love - instead of what you hate
  8. Respect people with less power than you.
  9. Don't rush. Don't panic about your life.
  10. Life is best filled by learning as much as you can about as much as you can. Fill it!

Prejudice (Musical Comedy) - Tim Minchin

For this, a piece of music named Prejudice from his live show 11 years ago, it's also his very first performance that I've seen. Hope you all enjoy it and be amazed by his piano and his fluency with anagram!

我這兩年實在太少使用英語,頂多是聽聽英文歌(也沒有在刻意學習,聽不懂就當作娛樂......),極少罕有地看看國際新聞這樣。距離上次大量輸出英文,已經是兩年前DSE那時... I feel my english really sucks at the moment, and it's of great value for me to pick it up now cos i'm gonna meet new schoolmates who are from all around the world.

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