

Day1: 記錄一些俚語


1 our negotiation with other companies is always above board.

above board: open, honest and legal (situation or business).

2 the situation of this crisis is not as cut and dried as many people expected.

cut and dried: clear and straightforward situation, problem or solution, with no likely complications.

3 He took the public funding to feather his nest.

feather (your) nest: take advantage of your position in order to obtain money so as to have a comfortable life.

4 It does not mean you have to grease their palm to get what you want.

grease somebody's palm: Is used to describe the action of giving money to someone in order to gain an unfair advantage, or to obtain something they want.

5 the economy went tits-up and I lost my job.

go tits-up: To break or malfunction; to die, fall apart, or cease to work. (A play on the phrase "go belly up." "Tits up" is sometimes hyphenated.)

6 In spite of promising equal pay for women, management is just paying lip service to the promotion of women's rights because nothing has ever changed.

lip service: give verbal support to others but fail to actually do anything.

7 she always pretends to look busy whenever someone comes to complain. It is clear that she is passing the buck.

pass the buck: when someone is unwilling to take a responsibility for a problem and let others deal with it instead.

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