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About DevOps Technology

The dynamic changes taking place in the world of technology impose on modern companies more stringent requirements for the speed of reaction, the release time of IT systems and the ability of professionals in various fields to communicate openly and fruitfully collaborate. Embedded system developers are no exception. The demanded methodology of continuous delivery of solutions imposes special conditions on the organization of project processes, and testing ceases to be the final and isolated stage of the entire development cycle. However, the implementation of testing as a continuous parallel development and maintenance process raises a lot of questions for the practice of such implementation.

The primary goal of adopting DevOps certfication is to improve and accelerate customer service. Reducing costs, increasing automation, improving configuration management, fulfilling business requests are just an accompanying task. However, different types of organizations may require different team structures for effective Dev and Ops interaction.

With the advent in 2009 of the DevOps methodology, which was supposed to answer the growing number of questions about the organization of active, continuous and productive interaction of IT professionals within the project, companies were divided into leaders and laggards depending on how well they managed to adapt the testing process to the declared principles.

DevOps is a relatively new concept and still lacks a clear, universally accepted definition. In fact, this is a set of practices aimed at active interaction and integration of development, testing and maintenance specialists. DevOps enables software deployments that are stable, fast, and reliable , including through continuous testing, to avoid the delays and quality issues inherent in the classic design model.

The popularity of the methodology has grown significantly in recent years. According to RightScale 2016 State of the Cloud Report: DevOps Trends [1] , DevOps adoption increased from 66% in 2015 to 74% in 2016, and adoption is even higher among large organizations at 81%.

DevOps adoption is not an easy task for many of the companies we interviewed, as new practices often require a different mindset and a fundamental culture shift. Yet the benefits that DevOps and Agile promise to developers, testers, and the entire team far outweigh any costs.

Developers are involved in projects more efficiently

Problems are identified early and the cost of fixing them is reduced

Accelerates software development and deployment cycle

And most importantly, as a result, customer satisfaction increases.

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