

觀影隨筆 Someone Great

情侶之間,分手總是令人難以接受的,特別是對還愛著對方的人來說,女主角Jenny和她的男朋友Nate最終分手了,結束他們很長一段時間的感情,Jenny立即找了她的好閨蜜Blair和Erin出來陪她,聽她抒發心情,並計畫要去一場叫做Neon Classic的音樂活動,期間,碰到了形形色色的人、事、物,觀看Jenny在她的這場散心冒險中,是否找到她的方向。


Do you think I can have one more kiss?
I’ll find closure on your lips and then I’ll go.
Maybe, also one more breakfast, one more lunch and one more dinner.
I’ll be full and happy and we can part.
But in between meals, maybe we can lie in bed one more time.
One more prolonged moment where time suspends indefinitely as I rest my head on your chest.
My hope, is if we add up the one mores it will equal a lifetime and I never have to get to the part where I have to let you go.
But that’s not real, is it?
There are no more, one mores.
I met you when everything was new and exiting and the possibilities of the world seemed endless.
And they still are, for you, for me, but not for us.
Somewhere between then and now, here and there, I guess we didn’t just grow apart, we grew up.
When something breaks, and the pieces are big enough, you can fix it.
I guess sometimes things don’t break, they shatter, but when you let the light in, shattered glass will glitter.
And in those moments, when the pieces catch the sun, I’ll remember just how beautiful it was. Just how beautiful it will always be, because it was us, and we are magic, forever.

PS1: 在這,我會分享我認為不錯的影片,不一定是較新的電影,也可能是我覺得好看的舊片,請大家包涵及支持。

PS2: 很多電影的轉折是埋在劇情中,隨著劇情的開展,讓觀眾慢慢發現,這也是觀影體驗的很重要的部分,這也是有些人不喜歡在觀影前,被他人透漏劇情的原因,我盡量不劇透,只點到或帶到,希望不會影響他人的觀影體驗。

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