Ru - 喜歡英文的人
Ru - 喜歡英文的人

我是一個熱愛英文的人, 希望在這裡分享我自己整理出來關於『英文文法』與『英文寫作』的 概念 及 tips !

讓『英文寫作』更靈活 : 如何運用 the same is true with / as it is for

the same is true with / as it is for
Tip #2 : 表達 (人/事/物) 對 AB 來說 是同樣情況  ※ 語意強調B
  1. (人/事/物) + be 形容詞/名詞 for A. The same is true with B.
  2. (人/事/物) + be 形容詞/名詞 for A. That is the same case with B.
  3. (人/事/物) + be as 形容詞/名詞 for B  as it is for  A.

例句 : 水對植物來說是不可或缺。人類也是如此

寫法1] Water is indispensable for plant. The same is true with human beings.

寫法2] Water is indispensable for plant. That is the same case with human beings.

寫法3] Water is as indispensable for human beings as it is for plant.

※ 語意強調 human beings

例句 : 戀愛關係對青少年來說是個複雜難解的事。甚至對現在的小學生也是如此

寫法1] Love relationship is a knotty thing for teenagers. The same is even true with pupils nowadays.

寫法2] Love relationship is a knotty thing for teenagers. That is even the same case with pupils nowadays.

寫法3] Love relationship is as a knotty thing for even pupils nowadays as it is for teenagers.

※ 語意強調 pupils nowadays

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請多多支持, 讓我能放上更多寫作技巧~

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